Application of RPA in Human Security Systems in Smart Cities

Application of RPA in Human Security Systems in Smart Cities

Sofia Khan, R.K. Tailor
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7193-7.ch002
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Human security faces several difficulties in the coming years. Resources will become scarce because of these changes, especially water, food, and energy. Concurrently, increasing social media connectivity and changes in labor and production brought on by the spread of new technologies will put new strains on the global economy and lead to significant shifts in political and economic power. Robotic process automation (RPA) applications may help secure fundamental necessities and lessen or halt aggressive behavior through improved connection, sophisticated sensor data, and algorithms. RPA has the potential to offer quick, economic, and effective answers to a range of security-related problems involving people. It is essential that larger data-sharing programs be used by people, groups, and governments in applications linked to relief from disaster, prevention from conflicts, and safeguarding human rights and justice. However, it is also important that data that is shared and acquired be safeguarded as much as feasible.
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Human Security

Table 1.
Dimensions of human security
Dimensions of Human Security
Security ObjectsContent
Security of EconomyPoverty freedom
Security of FoodFood access
Security of HealthDisease protection and healthcare access
Security of EnvironmentEnvironmental depletion through pollution protection
Security of individual (personal)Safety of individual physically
Security of CommunityTraditional culture safety, physical and ethnic group safety
Security of PoliticalPolitical oppression freedom and civil and political right safety.

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