Application of Mathematical Modeling for the Secure and Intelligent Energy Infrastructure

Application of Mathematical Modeling for the Secure and Intelligent Energy Infrastructure

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1671-2.ch027
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The unpredictable damage caused by potential attack and natural disaster may impact the operation of energy infrastructure, which is vital to local and national security. Thus, mathematical modeling based decision making tools become a must, because they can provide the scientific strategy to enhance the security and intelligence of energy infrastructure. In this chapter, the preliminary framework of a mathematical model is introduced. It includes the definition and characterization of energy network with the capability of self-recovery and the efficacy of the road map generation to handle the uncertainty of identified damage. The new methodology is the preliminary study for the future work in this field.
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2. Research Progress

The scholars and researchers from the government, universities and research institutes have proposed the potential mathematical models which can be used to simulate and achieve the target of the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price”. The models will consider long-term energy security (timely investments to supply energy for economic developments and environmental sustainability) and short-term energy security (the capacity and capability of the energy system to provide emergency response to sudden changes within the supply-demand balance).

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