Application of Information Technology Law in India on IoT/IoE With Image Processing

Application of Information Technology Law in India on IoT/IoE With Image Processing

Ramesh Chandra Tripathi, Poonam Gupta, Rohit Anand, R. Jayanthi Jayashankar, Aparajita Mohanty, Gabriela Michael, Dharmesh Dhabliya
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8618-4.ch009
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In order to address the issues posed by emerging technologies like IoT, IP, and AI, the legislation governing information technology in India is undergoing a period of fast development (AI). Since these technologies are able to gather, share, and analyse massive quantities of data, regulations are necessary to safeguard individuals' right to privacy about such data. Companies and organizations need to have a full awareness of the legal framework around IoT/IoE, image processing, and AI in order to guarantee that they are in compliance with the laws that have been enacted. Companies and organisations may assist in guaranteeing that they are employing these technologies in a legally responsible way by using legal knowledge gained through understanding the legal consequences of using these technologies. It has been observed that there are several applications of IT law in India on IoT/ IoE. Present research work is considering the role of image processing in IoT environment.
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1. Introduction

Information technology law in India is rapidly changing and evolving to accommodate the rapid growth in the nation’s digital infrastructure and the emergence of new technologies. In particular, IoT and IIoT, image processing, and AI are playing a critical role in the development of technology-driven legal solutions. By understanding the legal implications (Beatrice Dorothy, 2017) of these new technologies, organizations can benefit from their potential while protecting themselves from liability. This article will provide an overview of how these technologies work together and how organizations can apply the law in India to maximize the benefit of these technologies. (Khaddar, M. A. El, 2017) The IoT/IIoT is a network of connected devices that communicate with each other, exchange data, and enable users to control their environment. Image processing is the use of computer algorithms to understand, interpret and analyze images, such as facial recognition, vehicle detection, and object recognition. AI refers to the study (Ramavel, M., 2018) and creation of computer systems capable of performing activities traditionally associated with human intellect. This convergence of technology has the potential to equip businesses with potent means of boosting productivity, cutting expenses, and enhancing the quality of their interactions with customers. (Singh, J., 2018) For example, IoT/IIoT and image processing can be used to track inventory, optimize production processes and enhance security. AI can be used to automate customer service, provide predictive analytics and enable predictive maintenance. To take advantage of these technologies and their benefits, organizations must understand the legal implications of their use. (Shilpa, A., 2019) Organizations must understand the laws and regulations applicable to the technologies they are using, as well as the associated liabilities, such as data privacy, intellectual property, and cybersecurity. By understanding the applicable laws and regulations (Sherin, J., 2019), organizations can ensure that they are compliant with the relevant regulations and can make informed decisions about the use of these technologies. Organizations can also benefit from the expertise (Zymbler, M., 2019) of legal professionals who specialize in the field of information technology law in India. These professionals understand the nuances of the law and can provide advice on the best way to protect the organization's interests while maximizing the benefit of the technologies. Furthermore, legal professionals can help organizations identify potential risks and take measures to mitigate them. By understanding the legal implications of their use and taking the necessary steps to ensure compliance, organizations can maximize the benefit of these technologies while minimizing the risk of liability. Ultimately, this will lead to a smoother implementation process, increased efficiency, and improved customer experiences. (Sachdev, R., 2020)

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