Android Applications for Lung Nodules Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network

Android Applications for Lung Nodules Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8582-8.ch011
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Digital image processing is currently used in various fields of research. One of them is in the field of medicine. In fact, experienced radiologists have difficulty distinguishing the cancerous portions of the blood vessels in the lung or detecting fine nodules that suggest lung cancer on X-ray images. Previous studies have shown that doctors and radiologists fail to detect cancerous patches in 30% of positive cases. Implementation of CAD system to classify and detect parts of cancer has been developed, but the results obtained from this implementation are that there are still many errors in the classification results. Therefore, this study will develop android app image technique to perform the classification process of lung cancer. With this research, it is hoped that the developed algorithm can help doctors and radiologists to detect cancer in a short time with more accuracy. Finally, after 20 iterations, a percentage of 90.65% was attained for the test results' performance in classifying 10 X-ray pictures.
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This session will discuss the current or existing system for classifying lung disorders, which has some drawbacks and produces results with a bit less accuracy.

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