Analyzing the Role of Popular Scientific Journalism in STEM and Turkey's Science Communication Model

Analyzing the Role of Popular Scientific Journalism in STEM and Turkey's Science Communication Model

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6883-8.ch007
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This study examines the contributions of popular science magazines in Turkey to STEM as a field and discusses science journalism's support of the STEM world. The study explores the rules and perspective of science journalism and discusses the contributions of this field to STEM and STEM literacy. In its discussion of the impact of popular science magazines on STEM literacy, the study encompasses magazines in Turkey that publish science journalism and popularize science, making it easier for the public to understand. The study's interviews reveal that popular science magazines deliberately construct gendered language to increase popular knowledge and awareness of this field. Finally, the study summarizes the goals for scientific publications and science journalism in Turkey seeking to promote STEM literacy: (i) preparing content that will strengthen the public's relationship with science, (ii) promoting the number and quality of scientific studies in Turkey, (iii) challenging political power to realize the role of science, and (iv) reducing fake news.
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STEM Education Approaches and Challenges in the MENA Region



Media is the main source of information people access to learn about science, medicine, and technology (Livingstone et al., 2008; Livingstone, 2003; Deuze, 2006). Science journalism is a specialized form of journalism that covers these fields (Guenther, 2019; Summ et al., 2016; Guenther et al., 2016). This kind of journalism is relatively new, having professionalized in the second half of the 20th century, and it is possible to see various approaches in its coverage of its subject matter.

There is abundant research (Guenther et al., 2019; Göpfert, 2008; Shachar, 2000; Cortinas-Rovira et al., 2015; Peters, 1995) criticizing science journalism and science journalists, focusing on science journalists’ work and their reporting on scientific issues, as well as their relationship to scientists. In addition, science journalism seems to be in crisis due to increasing digitization and changing media landscapes (Guenther, 2019). Science journalism has been declining in some countries and many journalists have lost their jobs (Bauer et al., 2013). Evaluation of the quality and relevance of science journalism should be based on professional journalism ideology rather than scientific criteria, and this should define science journalism and how science journalism works best. Finally, though increasing digitization is changing the routines and practices of science journalists, these journalists can adapt to new media environments and maintain their essential role for society as the most relevant source of information about science, medicine, and technology (Burston et al., 2010).

Based on their own subjective values, journalists determine what is published according to the novelty, relevance and entertainment value of the content (Caple et al., 2013). Journalists’ play a crucial role. This is why editors marginalize topics from science that blend with their perspectives and/or only put them on the front page when there is nothing to report other than business, politics and sports. Meaningful discussion of the topics of science journalism requires scientific thinking.

This study examines the contributions of popular science magazines in Turkey to STEM as a field and discusses how science journalism in Turkey supports the STEM world. The study explores the rules and perspective of science journalism and discusses the contributions of this field to STEM and STEM literacy. In its discussion of the impact of popular science magazines on STEM literacy, the study encompasses magazines in Turkey that publish science journalism and popularize science, making it easier for the public to understand.

Key Terms in this Chapter

The Importance of Science Journalism: Science journalism is one of the primary responsibilities of the chain of communication and interpretation of scientific news, innovation, or progress to society.

Popularization of Science: The global growth of the appeal of science and technology positions itself as an alternative strategy for improving access to scientific knowledge and education. This is supported by scientific policy through the promotion of relevant programs and projects.

STEM Activities: Activities in which children measure their science and engineering knowledge in the experiment and production phase of a project, followed by presentation. Within STEM activities, children also gain knowledge and ideas about physics, mathematics, space science, technology literacy, and engineering skills.

STEM in Education: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education is an approach that covers all grade levels from preschool to higher education. It intends to enable students to take an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving and to develop knowledge and skills through a new-generation approach to education.

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