Analytical Impact of Technology on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Analytical Impact of Technology on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Devesh Bathla, Shraddha Awasthi
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8081-3.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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COVID-19 has totally changed the way that we live, and it also changed the way we work. It changed the way all the businesses run. Many of the businesses today either shut down due to lack of technological performance or the others moved towards the online mode to sustain the market. During the time of this pandemic, the businesses had no choice other than to shift to online mode. Some of the businesses operate offline, and it was not possible for them to shift online in a very short time due to lack of technology, lack of knowledge, etc. They faced much difficulty to operate their business smoothly. So, the impact of technology during the COVID-19 pandemic played a very important role throughout the world. When this pandemic was at its peak, technology became a lifeline of the human beings. This chapter shows the trend of digital technology during the COVID-19 pandemic and some innovations during this pandemic.
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Everything was running fine in the beginning of 2020. It was like every previous year for ourselves until we get to know the unexpected future. We all are not aware about our coming future in the next 2 to 3 months. A virus named as Corona virus began in the city of Wuhan in China on the end of 2019. This virus rapidly spread throughout the world very quickly. Many people affected by this virus and can’t survive. Some of the symptoms of this deadly virus are fever, cold and cough, headache etc. This virus wildly spread throughout the world and forced us to sit in our home. All the countries that are either super power or small developing countries faced a heavy economic loss in the beginning of this virus. All the work was completely closed and government make very strict rules and regulations regarding this pandemic. All the peoples were suggested to sit on their homes and do their work from home. Almost all the different sectors are stick to come online rather than continue with the offline work. Education, Industries, Multinational companies, Entertainment and many more they all became dependable on online platforms.

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