Analysis of Financial and Tax Support for Green Businesses in Colombia

Analysis of Financial and Tax Support for Green Businesses in Colombia

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8592-7.ch001
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Green business in Colombia is a commercial, social, and environmental strategy that seeks to strengthen companies with an environmentally responsible approach, which is why the Colombian government establishes some legal and institutional instruments to benefit these organizations. This chapter describes an analysis of the financial and tax support received by these types of companies and the impact it has on the Colombian economy. Colombia has a tax statute and in it, everything related to green taxes, green tax benefits, and financial support for the energy transition, and other variables that are studied and described in this text.
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The green economy is a vital tool for the changes that every government seeks in favor of international agreements and treaties for the mitigation of greenhouse gases. The energy transition, the model of human well-being and the protection by human resources is undoubtedly a necessity in conventional production models, in which exploitation and linear production must be oriented towards a much more circular and environmentally friendly environment. Currently, governments are looking for political, social and economic alternatives that allow markets to regulate a much more conservative and rational consumption of ecological resources. In Colombia there is Law 2099 of 2021, which mainly regulates investments in sustainable projects related to green and blue hydrogen, as well as various tax benefits that are applicable to companies that focus on activities aimed at caring for the environment, capture and management of CO2, use and storage of carbon, among others. For Antón Alvaro (2022) “the Green Deal highlights the potential of environmental taxes to generate alternative sources of public revenue that contribute to achieving sustainable public finances, while sending appropriate price signals to consumers to guide their behavior” (p.2).

Corson et al (2013) state that “in the last two decades, the incorporation of market logics into environmental and conservation policy has led to a reconceptualization of 'nature'. Resulting constructions as ecosystem services and derived from biodiversity”. (p. 1). This same author reports that the financial and tax mechanisms that should be used to strengthen green businesses should focus on actions to reduce emissions from deforestation, forest degradation, species banks, among others.

One of the contributions provided by the chapter is the analysis of sustainable development and environmental protection, in which it has become a global concern. Green businesses, also known as sustainable enterprises or eco-enterprises, play a critical role in the transition to a greener and more sustainable economy. To promote their growth and contribute to the protection of the environment, several countries have implemented financial and tax support policies. In this sense, this text reviews the existing literature and the background related to these initiatives.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Green Businesses: To economic activities in which goods or services are offered, which generate positive environmental impact and incorporate good environmental, social and economic practices applied in a systemic manner, with a life cycle approach, which contribute to ensuring the conservation of the environment as natural capital that supports the development of the territory. (Ministry of Environment, 2016 AU130: The in-text citation "Ministry of Environment, 2016" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Direct Environmental Benefits: These investments are directly related to environmental control; direct environmental benefits are understood as the set of measurable and verifiable results that are achieved with the implementation of an environmental control system. (Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021 AU127: The in-text citation "Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Agro-Industrial Food: It has to do with the transformation and processing of products from ecological, organic and biological production systems, or biodiversity products, intended for human consumption (Ministry of the Environment, 2016 AU126: The in-text citation "Ministry of the Environment, 2016" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Nature Tourism: That economic activity “whose offer of products and services is developed around a natural attraction and is governed by principles of sustainability”. This modality includes the by-products of ecotourism, rural tourism and adventure tourism (Ministry of Environment, 2016 AU134: The in-text citation "Ministry of Environment, 2016" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Ecolabeling: It is a mechanism that allows differentiation, through a distinctive (seal or label), those products that are characterized by being less polluting or have been manufactured making sustainable use of natural resources, from products with similar characteristics, but that do not contemplate environmental criteria. (Ministry of Environment, 2016 AU128: The in-text citation "Ministry of Environment, 2016" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Ecosystem Services: Ecosystem services are the direct and indirect benefits that humanity receives from biodiversity and are the result of the interaction between the different components, structures and functions that constitute biodiversity. Ecosystem services have been recognized as the bridge between biodiversity and humans. (ONVS, 2014 AU129: The in-text citation "ONVS, 2014" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Products and By-Products Derived From Wildlife Populations: Products derived from the direct extraction of natural populations of wildlife, under management and extraction measures that allow the maintenance and conservation of the species and its habitat (Ministry of the Environment, 20 16).

Positive Environmental Impact: Conservation, Reduction of pressure on the resource, Repopulation and maintenance of the natural base, Change of non-renewable materials to renewables, Reduction of pollution, Improvement of natural resource conditions, Maintenance of native biodiversity, Maintenance of ecosystem services, Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Change from non-renewable to renewable energy sources, Environmental education and culture, Respect for traditional knowledge and friendly cultural practices (ONVS, 2014 AU135: The in-text citation "ONVS, 2014" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Value Chain: In the context of the BioTrade Initiative and the BioTrade Facilitation Program, the strengthening of value chains is used as a mechanism to facilitate the articulation between actors in a production chain; for the implementation of good practices related to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity; and for the equitable distribution of environmental means, social and economic benefits among participants (UNCTAD, 2007 AU136: The in-text citation "UNCTAD, 2007" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Investments in Environmental Improvement: They are necessary to develop processes aimed at the restoration, regeneration, repopulation, preservation and conservation of renewable natural resources and the environment. (Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021 AU133: The in-text citation "Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Investments in Environmental Control: Wings oriented to the implementation of environmental control systems, aimed at achieving measurable and verifiable results in the reduction of the demand for renewable natural resources, or prevention and / or reduction in the generation and / or improvement of the quality of liquid waste, atmospheric emissions or solid waste (Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021 AU132: The in-text citation "Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

Investment Certificate for Environmental Control and Improvement: It is the administrative act issued by the environmental authorities where it is established that investments in environmental control and improvement comply with the criteria and requirements established in Decree 2205 of 2017 that regulates said article. (Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021 AU131: The in-text citation "Regional Autonomy Corporation of Cundinamarca, 2021" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. )

Products and By-Products Derived From Wildlife Production Systems: These are products derived from wildlife production systems, in a closed cycle and without affecting natural populations (Ministry of the Environment, 20 to 16).

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