Analysis of Fact-Checking Platforms: A Study on and

Analysis of Fact-Checking Platforms: A Study on and

And Algül, Gamze Sinem Kuruoğlu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8421-7.ch013
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Social media has become a platform where fake news is abundant. This issue has shown itself effectively yet again during the COVID-19 pandemic. The WHO has named this information pollution in the COVID-19 period as “infodemic.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, access to authentic news has become more important than ever before in 2020. Within this context, verified news on and in 2020 were analyzed. Besides, text analysis was conducted on 161 items of news originating in Twitter, and the most-commonly-used words have been found through analysis. The research suggests that news items on topics related to the agenda, which the public feels a need to be informed about, are more likely to be fake news and that Twitter, used broadly by the public to receive news, is preferred as it is easier and faster to spread fake news.
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Content Creation In Social Media And New Media Ecology

Social media is a network that is nourished by the content produced by its users. On social media platforms where what users share is the commodity, users decide which content should be in circulation. Users on social media websites can create the sort of content they wish to create and they can share these contents with the users they seem appropriate. It is also possible to tag the content, videos, photographs, and to make statements on various topics (Aytekin, Demir & Mutlu, 2015: 93). According to Güngör, text-based, verbal, visual, and auditory communication channels are used together in this new media environment, and all communication types (official, non-official, hierarchical, egalitarian, etc.) were mixed up (2018: 397-398). Keeping in mind that these new communication techniques change the face of our world substantially, our connection to the touch-screen and digital world increases day-by-day (van Dijk, 2018: 251).

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