Analogy of Wrist Pulse Signals in the Context of ECG Signals: A Review

Analogy of Wrist Pulse Signals in the Context of ECG Signals: A Review

Neha Rathore, Praveen Kumar Tyagi, Deepak Parashar, Dheraj Agrawal
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3947-0.ch007
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Modern medical practices use different tools and procedures to observe pulse rate, heart rate variability, speed of pulse, blood pressure (BP), blood flowing rate in arteries, volume, etc. Years ago, in ancient medical practice like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine (TMC), wrist pulse or radial pulse of the subject in consideration is checked to diagnose health conditions. Both wrist pulse diagnosis and ECG are non-invasive methods for assessing the health of a person. Wrist pulse is caused by cardiovascular activities, and thus, it can be correlated with the electrocardiography (ECG). In biomedical signals, ECGs represent electric activity of the heart. The rate at which a heart beats is pulse rate. The pulse movement is due to flow of blood in vessels. The parameters like rhythm, strength, hardness or softness, transition period, and change in rate of heartbeat can be measured. This may be helpful in diagnosis of cardiac and non-cardiac diseases.
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As per stated by World Health Organization, Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the one of the main reason of mortality around worldwide. Around 17.9 million individuals died from CVDs in 2019, accounting 32% of all deaths globally. Out of these fatalities, 85% were due to heart attacks and strokes. Early diagnose of cardiovascular disease is important so that medicines and counselling can be provided on time to reduce the death risk.

Today, different techniques are available to examine the pulse of a subject. Their clinical methods, concepts and practices are also differing. In modern medical science, the tools which is used to determine the signs of heart disease is an electrocardiogram (ECG) measuring device. The ECG signal is an electrical signal from the heart, which can be used to indicate abnormality of the heart by pulse shape and the analysis of heart rate. These signals are produced by heart contraction and relaxation, reaches to all around the body.

While in the Ancient times, in Ayurveda and in Traditional Chinese medicine, the palpation at wrist pulse of an individuals is examined for disease diagnose. The palpation is obtained at three accurate position on wrist at radial artery. Signals obtained are named as Vatta (V), Pitta (P) and Kapha(K). The signals felt from these particular points are not only due to the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels but also a result of movement of blood through the artery. The specialist of nadi diagnosis, use their meditation skill and experience, to feel signals on the subject’s wrist. The palpation also occurs when blood flows through the artery. The pulse is very weak and minute and only a highly skilled practitioner (Nadi Vaidya) can detect it accurately. (Upadhyaya et el. 2005)

Wrist pulse signal, unlike ECG, is a bloodstream signal that is impacted by a variety of physiological and pathological elements, including artery walls, blood parameters, nerves, muscles, and skin. The process is less costly, Eco friendly and painless. In Ayurveda, it is, mention that the three nadis are the manifestation of human body which contains five elements namely Air, water, earth, fire and space. Vata is combination of air and space. Imbalance of its components causes problems related to abdomen, hemorrhoids, rectum malfunctioning, nerves disorder etc. Water and fire are the components of Pitta. High pitta generally causes metabolism disorder, constipation and indigestion. The components of Kapha are Water and Earth. It causes cold, allergies, problems related to lungs and respiration system. (Rhyner H.H. 1998, Suguna GC, Veerabhadrappa 2019)

According to literature, it is proved that wrist pulse signal can be used not only for the detection of cardiovascular diseases but also successfully daigonesd disease like Diabetes, Gastrointestinal disorders, Hypertension, Cancer, Arthritis, Infertility, Paralysis, Mental disorder etc. Hence radial pulse is appropriate for the investigation of non-cardiac disorders. (Rajani et el. 2012, Zhang Z 2018).

A review on the basis of literature is presented to show the analogy between wrist pulse signal and ECG signal.

Pattern of Signals

Both ECG signal and Radial pulse signal occurs due to cardiac activity. The PQRST pattern of ECG signal pattern can be correlated with the PTVD pattern of wrist pulse. Hence the parameters of ECG signal are somehow similar to pulse signal. (David Zhang et el. 2019, Chaiwisood et el. 2012)

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