An Overview of the Accessibility and Need of AI Animation Tools for Specially Abled Students

An Overview of the Accessibility and Need of AI Animation Tools for Specially Abled Students

Bhakti Parashar, Ravindra Sharma, Vaibhav Parashar, Geeta Rana, Anand Nayyar, V. Harish
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0378-8.ch001
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Over 30 years the scope of technological support has broadened from overhead projectors, slides, filmstrips, to 21st century technologies such as 3D simulation and VR. Devices from low tech to high tech are commonly used to assist students with a variety of learning challenges. AI animation tools have the potential to be a useful resource for students with disabilities and can help these students achieve their full potential by including accessibility features and making animations that are especially made for students with special needs. Artificial intelligence is being used to individualize instruction, deliver feedback, and monitor student progress. AI-powered tutors, for instance, can help students learn at their own pace, and AI-powered grading software can assist teachers in accurately and quickly grading papers.
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1. Introduction

The current educational system is complex and constantly changing, with the goal of giving students the knowledge and abilities they need to succeed in life. The system is made up of numerous different elements, such as schools, instructors, curricula, and tests. The goal of the modern education system is to help students learn the skills, knowledge, and values that will help them succeed in life, such as critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills, and teamwork.

The way we learn and teach is being revolutionized by artificial intelligence (AI). AI-powered tools and applications make it possible to personalize learning, automate tasks, and provide insights that can help educators improve student outcomes. It is a term that has been used in science fiction for a long time, but it has become more and more popular as it makes its way into more and more areas of our lives. According to Russell and Norvig (2018), AI is rapidly transforming industries such as healthcare, transport, retail, and financial services (Rana et al., 2021).

Another area where AI technology has tremendous potential is education. Personalized learning is one of the most exciting applications of AI in education. With personalized learning, students get personalized learning experiences that are tailored to their unique learning needs.AI-powered systems can analyze student data to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the achievement gap may be reduced and students may learn more quickly and effectively.

In fact, AI innovations in education have shifted from lab-based paradigms to more challenging real world learning environments. EdTech companies have created ATS, which supports classroom management, grading, assessment, and second language issues, IAS, which supports student enrollment and queries, and ILS, which enables personalized learning. Global investments in AI education totaled USD 1047 billion between 2008 and 2017 (MoU, 2019).

Despite the fact that businesses are making quick progress in AI innovation, there are still problems to be solved in education sector, such as how to connect macro- and micro-institutions with AI-based education systems, what the roles of the various players in the AI education ecosystem are, and whether to build platforms with a business or consumer orientation.

The emergence of new technologies has also transformed the way teaching and learning take place in the education sector (Ravindra et al., 2021). The US education sector’s AI market is expected to expand by 48% from 2018 to 2022, according to Business Wire (2018). The application of AI in education has grown dramatically along with the technology itself. It may be used in online, mobile, or blended learning environments to provide dynamic assessments, personalized learning, and meaningful interactions. On the other hand, researchers have proposed the replacement of some teacher roles by robots using AI as a response to the shortage of teachers in the United States (Zhang and Aslan, 2021, Edwards & Cheok, 2018).

However, one of the most effective tools for enhancing learning in numerous ways which is used in modern teaching methodology is animation as well. Animations are employed in education to support students' perceptions, mental models, and comprehension of spatial and temporal changes. The efficacy of animations in teaching, however, has come under scrutiny as a result of three meta analyses that contrast learning from animations to learning from images. When studying the specifics of change, learning from animation is more effective than studying a static image. Animation-based education should not be considered a substitute for conventional teaching strategies. It should be seen as an addition to traditional methods of teaching to make learning more interesting and more effective (Ploetzner et al., 2021).

Animation helps to build mental models of things and promotes better understanding. Computer animation is a powerful way to show processes that are difficult to show in a classroom or even in the lab. In order to develop algorithmic thinking, geometric and algebraic knowledge, and abstract thinking in chemistry, animation-based, technology-based learning environments have been shown to be very effective (Parashar et al., 2023; Ben-Bassat Levy et al., 2003).

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