An Interpretative View on Innovation Acceptance for Bitcoin and Blockchain Phenomena: Knowledge Creation and Activism in Social Learning

An Interpretative View on Innovation Acceptance for Bitcoin and Blockchain Phenomena: Knowledge Creation and Activism in Social Learning

Christian Rainero, Giuseppe Modarelli
Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7366-5.ch003
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The research, in its general lines, tends to open an interpretative perspective on the fact that the bitcoin and blockchain (BTC-BC) phenomenon could be defined primarily through the social learning lens, and in that case would be considered a privileged way to investigate humans' behavior related to the emergent innovations, considering voluntariness in information seeking as antecedent of reduced reticence to acceptance. The approach inherent in the analysis proposed should be considered as exploratory and embryonic, but interesting and crucial for a seminal investigation of the field, due to the rapid emergence of the phenomenon object of the study. The main implication of the interpretative paradigm provided on the BTC-BC scene, considering the social learning view, could be found on the managerial side, thanks to the possible indirect knowledge-based strategy, able to shape an informed social context, promoting the future probable and potentially facilitated application of “disruptive” technologies in several work environments.
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