An International E-Community Engagement Initiative Exploring College and Career Pathways: A Literature Review

An International E-Community Engagement Initiative Exploring College and Career Pathways: A Literature Review

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2133-1.ch013
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This chapter provides a literature review and conceptual framework for a current international e-community-engagement project which is taking place from January through March 2024. Through the initiative, students from five higher education institutions are placed on international teams and are tasked with developing interactive presentations on careers which are delivered remotely to youth in South Africa. The chapter explores the literature on e-community-engagement; first-generation college students; students learning about college majors and careers; near-peer mentoring; international, e-community-engagement; internationalization; global teamwork; and global citizenship. The chapter contributes to the discussion surrounding the impact of e-service-learning in higher education, particularly in remote and international settings. In addition, it aims to stimulate innovative research and programs that prepare youth for the workforce of the future.
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Higher education has increasingly embraced service-learning in recent decades, with institutions of higher education elevating their civic missions. Rooted in the philosophical work of individuals such as John Dewey and the practical fieldwork of individuals like Jane Addams, service-learning provides opportunities for students to apply their classroom learning in real-world contexts. Best practices include student preparation and reflection, reciprocity and mutual benefit among students and communities, and sustainability through ongoing communication, relationships, and trust. A diversity and social justice lens highlights the importance of community members as partners and collaborators, as well as the opportunity for unpacking biases and dismantling oppressive systems.

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