An Integration of Virtual Reality Into the Design of Authentic Assessments for STEM Learning

An Integration of Virtual Reality Into the Design of Authentic Assessments for STEM Learning

Kim Koh, Olive Chapman, Lanny Lam
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9561-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Creating equal learning opportunities for all students to develop STEM literacy and global competencies is an important educational initiative. Due to COVID-19 pandemic-related classroom disruptions, it is imperative to find new ways to engage and motivate students in STEM learning. This chapter looks at the potential integration of VR technology into the design and development of authentic STEM assessments to promote the STEM learning of elementary school students in both online and blended learning environments. The design principles of a VR-based authentic STEM assessment are guided by the following theoretical frameworks: VR technology, authentic assessment, criteria for authentic intellectual quality, patchwork text approach, and SOLO taxonomy. An example of the design of authentic STEM assessments is included. The chapter concludes with the authors' recommendations for building teachers' capacity in VR technology and authentic STEM assessments through preservice teacher preparation and inservice teacher professional development. Future research directions are also discussed.
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Over the past two decades, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has become a global initiative that aims to provide all students, regardless of their sociodemographic background, with a competitive edge in STEM-related majors and careers in an increasingly science- and technology-saturated world. For instance, governments, industries, and non-profit organizations in countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Singapore have invested heavily in STEM research, informal STEM outreach programs, and teacher preparation and professional development. The ultimate objective of this investment is to provide their citizens with high-quality formal education, professional training, and informal learning experiences, thereby increasing STEM literacy. The term “STEM literacy” is defined by Bybee (2010) as “the conceptual understandings and procedural skills and abilities for individuals to address STEM-related personal, social, and global issues” (p. 31). A STEM-literate citizenry would contribute to a nation’s innovation and productivity, as well as its economic prosperity, cybersecurity, and environmental sustainability. This is because STEM literacy is deemed a prerequisite for a wide range of STEM- and non-STEM education and career pathways. As an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to learning, STEM education not only supports the development of the STEM literacy of students but also fosters their global competencies, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and innovation, communication, and collaboration. Such competencies cut across different disciplines and are essential for both personal and professional success in the 21st century (National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council, 2014; Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011).

According to the Committee on STEM Education of the National Science and Technology Council (2018) in the United States and the Council of Canadian Academies (2018), many high-paying fields and careers require employees to utilize the knowledge and skills acquired in the STEM disciplines. Additionally, both councils underscore the importance of equipping every student with strong fundamental STEM skills (e.g., mathematical reasoning, problem solving, computational thinking, and technological or digital proficiency). A mastery of basic STEM literacy would enable individuals to develop more advanced STEM literacy (e.g., STEM disciplinary knowledge and expertise in STEM). It also helps individuals navigate their daily lives and work (e.g., the capacity to search for, evaluate, and use information in digital form, function as an intelligent consumer, and be responsible as an active and informed citizen) in an increasingly technology-rich world, regardless of whether or not they choose a STEM-related major or career.

Key Terms in this Chapter

STEM Learning: STEM learning refers to an interdisciplinary approach to learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM is an integrated discipline that enables students to learn and apply STEM-related concepts in contexts that make connections to personal, community, and global issues.

Authentic STEM Assessment: An authentic STEM assessment consists of real-world tasks that require students to integrate and apply their STEM knowledge and skills to solve complex problems.

STEM Literacy: STEM literacy is defined as an individual’s capacity to apply STEM knowledge, skills, and values to solve real-world problems.

SOLO Taxonomy: The taxonomy describes levels of increasing cognitive complexity in a student’s understanding of a subject (i.e., learning progression), through five stages: pre-structural, uni-structural, multi-structural, relational, and extended abstract.

Authentic Assessment: Authentic assessment consists of tasks that replicate the genuine intellectual challenges and performance standards that experts or professionals typically face in the field (e.g., engineers, scientists, mathematics, architects).

Patchwork Text Approach: An approach to designing tasks at different cognitive complexity levels, which result in a culminating project (i.e., authentic assessment).

Criteria for Authentic Intellectual Quality: The criteria can be used to inform teachers’ design of authentic assessment tasks that enable students to demonstrate STEM literacy and global competencies such as critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and communication.

Virtual Reality: Virtual reality (VR) is a computer simulation that provides virtual immersive learning experiences for students.

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