An Integrated Approach to Records Management and Information Governance in South Africa for Sustainability

An Integrated Approach to Records Management and Information Governance in South Africa for Sustainability

Nkholedzeni Sidney Netshakhuma
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6815-9.ch003
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The purpose of this book chapter is to assess information governance in South African organizations. The book chapter assess corporate governance, data privacy, legislation, information security, big data, access, and training. The success of corporate governance is dependent on executive management buy in, the alignment of organisational strategy with mission, and the vision of the organisation. Organisations are to implement systematic disposal of records, effective retention of records, and quality assurance should be proven.
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Corporate Governance (King Iv)

Corporate governance should be viewed as a holistic set of provisions that must be executed in an integrated manner (Esser & Delport, 2018). The King IV report give a holistic approach to governance for public and private sector organization (Ferguson, 2019). This considers a holistic approach to developing information governance in an organization. integration of information management systems is critical to improve compliance with a regulatory framework within an organization (Ngoepe & Mello, 2020).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Information Governance: This is a framework that defines the creation, valuation, use, sharing, storage, archiving, and deletion of records .

Records Management Standards: These are standards use to direct and manage records management systems in an organization.

Records Retention: This is a process of determining the period to keep records.

Records Disposal: This is a process of identification of records with historical, cultural, and scientific value for permanent preservation hence records witch administration value expired are permanently destroyed.

Records Management: It is the process of management of records from creation to disposal stage of records.

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