An Experiential Study on the Learners' Perception of E-Learning and Traditional Learning

An Experiential Study on the Learners' Perception of E-Learning and Traditional Learning

Anu Baisel, Vijayakumar M., Sujatha P.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3464-9.ch006
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The teaching-learning process had been confined to the classrooms before technology found its place in the field of education. The classrooms were either student-centred or teacher-centred. The scenario changed slowly and classroom instruction became technology-supported. Today's learners, the digital natives, rely more on technology rather than teachers. The drastic change raised a question whether they need teachers or technology for higher levels of learning and the possible results. In order to find out an answer to this question, a study was conducted among the young engineering graduates belonging to a private technical institution in Vellore district, Tamil Nadu. Surprisingly, the results favoured the traditional mode of teaching in spite of the numerous advantages listed out by the respondents.
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Review Of Literature

Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the difference between e-learning and traditional learning experiences. Wong and Ng have made an investigation in 2016 and revealed that the results favoured e-learning as it is less expensive and more comfortable. Another study undertaken by Al-Omari and Salemeh in 2012 conveys that traditional learning lacks flexibility and affects the scores of the learners whereas e-learning enhances both the scores and skills of the learners. Sethughes (2012) states, in his argument, that traditional learning is better than online learning as it lacks personal interaction with the teacher. Vaona et al. (2018) have discussed that e-learning is learner-friendly and it makes room for personalized instructions so that the learners can adjust the duration of the course and contents depending on their needs. Sarrab et al. (2014) opine that feedback on the lecture is imminent in traditional learning methods whereas in e-learning feedback is a pre-defined activity taking place at the programme designer’s need and convenience. In traditional learning, the teacher’s preparation for the class and delivery of the lecture are limited, and in e-learning, the materials and resources are unlimited (Rondon, 2013). In all these studies, the results and arguments are not one-sided. Some studies support e-learning and some others favour traditional learning.

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