An Enhanced Study of Quantum Computing in the View of Machine Learning

An Enhanced Study of Quantum Computing in the View of Machine Learning

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7535-5.ch009
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Emerging technologies, including quantum information science and artificial education systems, have the potential to have significant implications for the future of human civilization. Quantum information, on the one hand, and machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), on the other, consume their personal unique set of queries and contests that have been studied in isolation up until now. However, a recent study is starting to examine whether these disciplines can teach one another anything useful. The discipline of quantum ML investigates how quantum computing and ML may work together to find solutions to challenges in both areas. Major advancements in the two areas of effect have been made recently. Particularly relevant in today's “big data” era is the use of quantum computing to speed up the solution of machine learning (ML) challenges. However, ML is already present in many state-of-the-art technologies and may play a crucial role in future quantum technologies.
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1. Introduction

Quantum theory has impacted the entirety of the physical sciences. Depending on the field, this impact can be subtle or dramatic, but it often manifests itself at the microscale. In the latter half of the twentieth century, engineers began taking advantage of true quantum effects; these effects offer characteristics superior to those possible using solely classical methods. Classical systems. When such engineering first began, such as the laser, transistors, and nuclear magnetic resonance devices. The 1980s were a pivotal decade for the growth of the second wave, which is still not entirely comprehensive. Quantitative research on the feasibility of implementing quantum impacts for a wide range of activities, which, at their core level, be concerned with information handling (Brookes, 2017). This includes science and technology fields like cryptography, computers, and sensing, and All branches of metrology now speak the same language because to The Study of Quantum Information. Studies investigating these topics programmes that brought together experts from different fields. Examples include the development and widespread use of quantum computing, communication, cryptography, and metrology. Fields of study have profoundly affected how we view information and its processing (Xia, 2018). An improved method for calculating molecular potential energy surfaces using a quantum algorithm that combines classical techniques with a constrained Boltzmann machine.

The smallest quantifiable unit of a physical phenomenon is called a “quantum” in physics. Quantum theory seeks to determine the likelihood of the presence of a quantum particle at a specific location (Wittek, 2014). Quantum Machine Learning (QML) has grown and changed in computer science over the past few decades since it is related to Machine Learning (ML), the study of how to process best and analyse data for actionable insights. Appropriate data management is essential as its volume grows by 20% annually (Shore, 1994; Biamonte, 2017). Especially compared to conventional computers, quantum computers may be capable of quicker machine learning, which has prompted the study about how to design and deploy quantum software for this purpose. Niemann (2016) has discussed how useful Logic Synthesis for quantum state generation is.

There is a subfield of computer science known as quantum computing, which applies the ideas of quantum physics to data processing and manipulation. Classical computers, often known as traditional computers, represent and process information using bits. Bits can be either 0s or 1s. In contrast, quantum computers' qubits (quantum bits) can be in both the 0 and 1 states at once (Biamonte, 2021). Despite tolerant of faults, quantum computers are intriguing. They are unlikely to become commercially available anytime soon. Limitations on the amount of qubits and the circuit depth available in today’s quantum technology are severe issues. Jerbi et al. (2021) has used deep reinforcement learning concept to enhance the performance of quantum computing model. Wittek (2014) aims to provide a synthesis that describes the most crucial machine learning methods within a quantum context.

Saharia et al. (2019) proposed optimising a constrained multivariable function without programming. This idea has since formed the foundation of machine learning, which uses algorithms to generate decision functions by establishing a correspondence between input and output data. To categorise labelled data categories, the most popular supervised technique in QML is the Quantum Support Vector Machine (QSVM) (Saharia et al., 2019), which employs the vector space optimisation bound of the sophisticated measurement. QSVM can reduce and develop patterns from unlabeled data (Pittman et al., 2021). In contrast to the structured patterns generated by machine learning, quantum systems generate unstructured patterns and explore the development and implementation of quantum software to speed up machine learning (Shor, 1994). Kandala et al. (2017) show that it is possible to experimentally optimize Hamiltonian problems containing as many as six qubits and over a hundred Pauli terms, calculating the ground-state energy for particles of varying sizes all the way up to BeH2. Amin (2016) has used the quantum Boltzmann distribution of the transverse-field Ising Oscillator to present a novel methods for machine learning (Deutsch, 1985).

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