An Encryption and Decryption Model for Data Security Using Vigenere With Advanced Encryption Standard

An Encryption and Decryption Model for Data Security Using Vigenere With Advanced Encryption Standard

Udochukwu Iheanacho Erondu, Emmanuel Oluwatobi Asani, Michael Olaolu Arowolo, Amit Kumar Tyagi, Nehemiah Adebayo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5741-2.ch009
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As the amount of data being sent has risen dramatically in recent years; protecting that data has become increasingly important. Cryptography is the process of transforming plain text messages into ones that can no longer be decoded. An information security system's algorithm for encrypting and decrypting data cannot function without them. Data transmission via a communication network can benefit greatly from the use of encryption. Short message service (SMS) is still popular despite the availability of several online messaging platforms. Despite this, these services can be easily cracked, making SMS less secure for transferring critical information. The usage of appropriate cryptographic algorithms is essential to ensuring the safety of your data. Cryptanalysis and pattern prediction are better protected. This study uses a hybridized version of the Vigenère cipher with AES. In tests, the Vigenère-AES came out on top, and it may be used to keep sensitive data safe from prying eyes.
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Encryption Algorithms designed by (AbdElminaam et al., 2014), were created to compare the new protocols to four current hybrid protocols in terms of power consumption. Different parameters, such as data block sizes and encryption/decryption speeds, were used to compare the various methods. Experiments prove the value of each technique.

Data Security with a Modified AES Algorithm (Kumar & Rana, 2016) Consequently, text protection in digital media is necessary for internet banking, account passwords, email account passwords, and other sensitive information. Using sophisticated encryption techniques, this study investigates the security and compression of data (AES). According to this study, a 16-round AES algorithm encryption and decryption process boosted the system's security. This AES technique has been proven to be both fast and efficient, based on theoretical studies and experimental results.

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