An Empirical Analysis of Perceived Importance Attached to Destination Attributes of Chinese Tourists' Visiting in India

An Empirical Analysis of Perceived Importance Attached to Destination Attributes of Chinese Tourists' Visiting in India

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0708-6.ch022
(Individual Chapters)
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This study attempts to explore the tourists' satisfaction within a tourism context, specifically with reference to the destination-based attributes. The study was conducted in India with a sample of Chinese tourists. Gathering data was analyzed by using t-tests. The research findings indicated that the dimension of accommodation services was the strongest predictor of the Chinese tourists' satisfaction, followed by incoming travel agency services and facilities in India. The dimension of accommodation services also was the strongest predictor of the female tourists' overall holiday satisfaction, followed by destination facilities and incoming travel agency services. Moreover, the mean scores of all the items within the main dimensions were above the neutral point. These results revealed that both male and female tourists were generally satisfied with their holiday in India.
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Today, Tourism and hospitality industry has become a big giant for socio-economic development of many nations. Appreciating its overall contribution to national economy, every nation is inclined to promote this dynamic industry in a scientific manner. Globally, the development of tourism industry at international level has increased competitiveness among tourist destinations. The success of a tourist destination is governed by various determinants such as quality services/ products lead to the success of the destinations Viz-a-viz tourists’ satisfaction. Many authors appreciated that ‘tourist satisfaction with the tourism product/service’ is one of the most important factors in successful tourist destination. (Buhalis, 2000; Poonyth, Barnes, Suich & Monamati, 2002; Murphy et al., 2000; Ritchie & Crouch, 2003; Vassiliadis, 2008).

Cooper et al. (1998) define destinations as the focus of facilities and services designed to meet the needs of the tourists. Traditionally, destinations are regarded as well – defined geographical areas, such as a country, an island or a town (Murphy et al., 2000). According to Chand (2010b) tourist designations are amalgams of individually produced tourism amenities’ and services (accommodation, transportation, catering, entertainment etc.) and a wide range of public goods such as landscape, scenery, sea, lakes, socio – cultural surroundings, atmosphere etc. All these elements are branded together under the name of inclusive destination package. Plog (2004) points destination image perceived by potential tourist’s preconditions their behaviors, such as destination choice, trip planning, and activity participation, and also influences post – trip destination evaluation. Similarly, Wöber & Fesenmaier (2004) stated that visitor satisfaction with the tourism product is one of the variety indicators which are frequently used to measure the success in tourism destination management. According to Fuchs and Weiermair (2004), many tourism destinations consider tourist satisfaction as one of the most important sources of their competitive advantage.

Thus, today, tourist satisfaction has become one of the crucial factors contributing to the success of a nation or destination. Moreover, tourist satisfaction plays a vital role in attracting tourists, retaining them, tourist spending patterns, revisit intention and the overall destination image.

In today’s scenario, tourism industry is one of the biggest industries in the world and has become an important source of income for destinations. Recently, tourism has been appreciated as the driving giant for economic development for especially developing nations like India. The World Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated $121 billion or 6.4% of the nation's GDP in 2011. It was responsible for 39.3 million jobs, 7.9% of is total employment. The GDP of the tourism sector has expanded 229% between 1990 and 2011. The sector is predicted to grow at an average annual rate of 7.7% in the next decade. In a 2011 forecast the World Travel and Tourism Council predicted the annual growth to be 8.8% between 2011 and 2021. (WTTC, 2011). The tourism and hospitality sector’s direct contribution to GDP totalled US$ 44.2 billion in 2015. The direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP is expected to grow 7.2 per cent per annum to US$ 88.6 billion (2.5 per cent of GDP) by 2025(Ministry of Tourism, 2016). Further, Ministry estimates indicate taht the industry is expected to generate 13.45 million jobs across sub-segments such as Restaurants (10.49 million jobs), Hotels (2.3 million jobs) and Travel Agents/Tour Operators (0.66 million). Recognizing this vary fact, every nation is inclined to increase destination’s tourist receipts, employment, government revenues and socio-economic betterment of local community. Further, tourist arrivals in India from China country during recent years have showing upward moving trends (Ministry of Tourism Govt of India, 2015).

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