An Artificial Intelligence Model for Effective Routing in WSN

An Artificial Intelligence Model for Effective Routing in WSN

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8306-0.ch005
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In WSN, sensor nodes will be distributed heterogeneity concerning their basic requirements such as location, power backup, and the distance between the nodes. With these metrics, research is carried on energy conservation, media-based problems, packet aggregation, effective routing, quality of link, etc. But the energy consumption and data processing system in WSN makes a scenario for not using an artificial intelligence (AI)-based system in network structure. In this chapter, a heuristic packet routing (HPR) strategy for effective path identification on the packet transmission between the nodes is given. The proposed methodology also improvises the routing process on diffusion and energy management methodology defined in previous research work. A comprehensive study was done with the help of a network simulator. Based on the result, the work is compared with various research work defined previously.
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1. Introduction

In WSN, sensor nodes have an extensive development in their physical and power management processes with smaller in size and less expensive. Sensor nodes will be deployed in a challengeable environment for measuring some parameters of the application-defined with thousands of nodes in the network density. With some basic needs such as minimum energy consumption, effective routing, erroneous data transmission is a challenging task. In (E et al., 2005) energy management, data reliability, data security is important metrics in designing of a network. Hence, it is a important for consideration of collision on data transmission, intrusion attacks.

Also (Akyildiz et al., 2002; Karl & Willig, 2003) states an effective routing methodology in packet transmission with effective multi hopping in data path. The path establishment was effectively carried out. But data path establishment was done on expensive energy usage which leads to minimize nodes’ power backup. As the power of a node is not rechargeable, usage of explainable Artificial Intelligence is introduced on the network designing and data packet transmission cycles. With this enhancement, we can monitor the network working strategy and efficiency of packet transmission. Here we proposed an artificial intelligence bases data routing method for improving network lifetime with efficient usage of energy for making a successful data transmission.

A multi-hopping protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a routing protocol that enables communication between sensor nodes that are beyond the direct wireless transmission range of each other. In multi-hopping, data is relayed through intermediate nodes to reach a destination node that is located far away. The main objective of multi-hopping protocols is to extend the network coverage area and overcome the limitations of individual node transmission range. By utilizing intermediate nodes as relays, data can be transmitted over multiple hops to reach a destination node that is out of range for direct communication.

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