Algorithmic Issues, Challenges, and Theoretical Concerns of ChatGPT

Algorithmic Issues, Challenges, and Theoretical Concerns of ChatGPT

Pradnya Patil, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Priyanka Sharma
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6824-4.ch003
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Large language model (LLM) ChatGPT has made tremendous progress in natural language processing (NLP), especially in human-quality text production, multilingual translation, and content creation. However, because of its extensive use, algorithmic issues, challenges, and theoretical queries come up. Fairness, bias, explainability, generalization, originality, inventiveness, and safety are the main topics of this study's examination of ChatGPT's intricate theoretical and algorithmic components. It looks into the possibility of explainability, transferability, generalization, bias in the data, and the model's capacity to provide original and imaginative content. It also covers possible issues including harmful use, disseminating incorrect information, and offensive or misleading content. These limitations can be addressed so that ChatGPT can be improved to provide LLMs that are more dependable, accountable, and long-lasting while posing no needless risks.
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Recent years have witnessed a notable improvement in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), with ChatGPT pushing the frontiers of conversational AI. However, alongside these advancements come algorithmic issues, challenges, and theoretical concerns that demand careful consideration and investigation. This chapter delves into the critical aspects surrounding ChatGPT, exploring the motivations behind addressing these issues, outlining proposed solutions, and providing an overview of the chapter's contents.

ChatGPT embodies a significant milestone in the development of conversational AI, leveraging large-scale transformer architectures to generate human-like responses across various domains and topics. As these models become more pervasive in applications such as customer service, education, and entertainment, it becomes imperative to examine the algorithmic intricacies that underpin their functionality.

The motivation behind studying algorithmic issues, challenges, and theoretical concerns in ChatGPT stems from the dual objectives of advancing the capabilities of conversational AI while ensuring ethical and responsible deployment. Biases, fairness, interpretability, and performance optimization are among the key motivations driving this exploration, aiming to enhance the robustness, inclusivity, and reliability of AI-generated conversations.

The proposed work in this chapter encompasses a comprehensive analysis of algorithmic issues such as bias amplification, stereotypical responses, lack of diversity, contextual bias, data source bias, fairness, and equity within ChatGPT. Additionally, solutions and mitigation strategies, including bias detection techniques, fairness-aware training algorithms, data augmentation approaches, and contextual calibration methods, will be discussed and evaluated.

The chapter begins by contextualizing the significance of algorithmic issues and theoretical concerns in the context of ChatGPT's development and deployment. It then delves into a detailed examination of each identified challenge, providing insights into their underlying causes and potential impact on conversational AI systems. Following this, proposed solutions and mitigation strategies will be presented, drawing from both existing research and innovative approaches tailored to ChatGPT's architecture and capabilities. Finally, an overarching overview will synthesize the key findings, implications, and future directions in addressing algorithmic issues and theoretical concerns to foster the responsible and effective use of ChatGPT and similar conversational AI models.

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