AIoT Integration Advancements and Challenges in Smart Sensing Technologies for Smart Devices

AIoT Integration Advancements and Challenges in Smart Sensing Technologies for Smart Devices

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0786-1.ch003
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Artificial intelligence in things (AIoT) has revolutionized the capabilities and features of smart gadgets. Technology advancements in smart sensing have allowed for the seamless integration of AI and IoT, increasing the general intelligence and efficacy of smart devices. This chapter looks at smart sensing technology's progress and challenges in the context of AIoT integration. The study begins with a brief introduction of AIoT and its significance in the smart device industry. It then delves into the numerous smart sensing technologies that aid in bringing AI and IoT together, such as environmental sensors, motion sensors, biometric sensors, and more. Miniaturization, improved accuracy, and lower power consumption are just a few of the ways that these sensor technologies have progressed. The study also highlights the challenges of integrating AIoT with smart sensing technology. The need for efficient power management, interoperability, the complexity of sensor fusion and data integration, and concerns over data security and privacy are just some of the obstacles in the way.
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1. Introduction

AIoT represents the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). This integration marries AI's advanced analytical capabilities with the vast interconnected framework of IoT, resulting in intelligent systems capable of autonomous thinking, learning, and decision-making. By amplifying the functions of IoT with the prowess of AI, AIoT seeks to streamline IoT processes, refine interactions between humans and machines, and bolster data handling and analysis. As technology has developed, humans have reached a new age when intelligence and connection pervade every part of our everyday lives. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm that connects the physical and virtual worlds, ushering in a new age in which everyday items take an active part in online communities. Integrating smart sensing technologies within IoT devices emerges as a critical advancement as we navigate this era of innovation, enabling previously unimaginable data-driven insights, automation, and efficiency (Ramesha & Jeevan. 2020).

The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) refers to the global network of electronic devices, sensors, actuators, and systems that share data and work together to complete tasks. These gadgets cover a wide range of uses, from household gadgets to factory gear to public transportation systems. These Internet of Things devices are distinguished by their sensing, collecting, and transmitting capabilities, which allow for continuous monitoring, analysis, and decision-making in real time.

  • Significance of Smart Sensing Technologies: Intelligent sensing technologies are the backbone of the Internet of Things' game-changing potential. These developments help bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds by giving machines the ability to sense and interpret their environments. Sensors such as motion detectors, biometric scanners, image sensors, and environmental sensors give these gadgets a level of perceptual intelligence comparable to that of a human being (G. Naveena Pai, M. Swathi Pai,. 2020). By incorporating these sensors, IoT gadgets may keep tabs on their surroundings, alert users to any shifts they may have missed, and contribute to a dynamic and adaptable environment.

From assessing physiological data to powering autonomous driving systems, sensors have found widespread use in a wide variety of contexts. In the present scientific, technical, and technological fields where computer vision is king, they also play a crucial role in carrying out tasks linked to detection and vision. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an exciting new field that makes use of intelligent sensors, revolving around wireless networks and dispersed sensors to gather data in real time and process it in such a way that it yields predetermined results.

The interplay between sensors and AI is a crucial component of Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets since it gives them feelings and brains. The incorporation of AI enables sensors to function as smart sensors, which benefits a wide range of uses, such as environmental monitoring, tracking different environmental factors, weather forecasting, satellite imaging and utilization, applications based on remote sensing, vigilance over hazard events like landslide detection, driving autonomous vehicles, and improving healthcare (Sridhara & Naveen, 2020).

The use of mobile devices for remote and in-person patient monitoring has increased dramatically in hospitals and clinics as well as diagnostic centers in recent years. Indeed, contemporary sensors have become crucial for intelligent functioning across the board in the scientific and academic communities. Remote sensing, environmental monitoring, and human health surveillance are all made smarter by the ubiquitous use of sensors and the incorporation of IoT. Reflecting the pervasive influence of sensors in virtually every facet of modern life, the field of agriculture applications has also embraced the use of various sensor types over the past decade to monitor and manage environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, soil quality, pollution, air purity, water contamination, and radiation.

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