AI-Powered Tools

AI-Powered Tools

P. Selvakumar, Sivaraja Muthusamy, D. Satishkumar, P. Vigneshkumar, C. Selvamurugan, P. Satheesh Kumar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2615-2.ch002
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The field of artificial intelligence has a long history and is always developing. It focuses on intelligent agents, which are devices composed of sensors that sense their environment and act in a way that maximizes the chance of achieving a goal. In this essay, the authors discuss the foundations of modern AI along with several examples of its use. Artificial intelligence approaches, including machine learning, deep learning, and predictive analysis, have been the subject of recent research with the goal of enhancing human learning, planning, reasoning, and initiative. Artificial intelligence driven literature review applications that can help save time and effort, enhance your comprehension and writing abilities, and generate high caliber research. Give them a try and discover how they might greatly enhance your literature review procedure. On the other hand, they can be an invaluable resource for assisting in locating pertinent research publications, recognizing key ideas, and monitoring the evolution of research over time.
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Let's start by providing a brief overview of artificial intelligence technologies before discussing the different kinds that are already on the market. It is obvious that artificial intelligence will play a significant role in all future key advancements and fundamentally alter how things are done now. It is probably a vital supporting role in every major industry. Businesses currently need to be aware of the potential advantages AI may have on their operations. (Mathieu, M., 2015) These tools are helpful since humans are still in charge of making decisions; they can handle predetermined jobs. These tools not only assist in developing processes, but they also significantly improve networks and workflows. These days, artificial intelligence (AI) is a “hot topic” because of apps like ChatGPT that demonstrate the technology's increasing power and capabilities.

It has been evident in recent months that “generative” AI is no longer limited to the domain of academic research or Silicon Valley tech companies. This is due to the introduction of a new generation of these tools. And far from being just the newest “viral sensation,” artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved into a technology that everyone, regardless of industry, can use to transform their daily operations and work processes. What are the resources that everyone needs to become familiar with in order to fully comprehend the capabilities of AI as it exists today? I've highlighted some of the most significant ones so may use them right now. If you're like most people and have only recently been interested in AI after seeing one of the newest viral apps, may be asking how they relate to what is often known as “artificial intelligence.” The majority of people would have first encountered the phrase in science fiction, where for more than a century we have been captivated by tales of sentient robots, sometimes amiable, sometimes not. Actually, the technology that comes to mind when we refer to artificial intelligence nowadays is called “machine learning.” This is merely a reference to software algorithms that can learn, getting increasingly better at doing a single task as they are exposed to more data, as opposed to robotics that mimics every facet of natural intelligence as seen in motion pictures.

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Everyday Life

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more and more ingrained in our everyday lives in ways that we may not even be aware of. Many people are still unaware of its impact and how reliant on it we are because it has spread so extensively. From morning to night, a lot of our daily activities are powered by AI technology. Many of us start our days as soon as we wake up by grabbing our phone or laptop (Chen, G., 2015). This is fundamental to our decision-making, planning, and information-gathering processes and has grown to be second nature to us. Upon turning on our gadgets, we can instantly access AI functions such as: Online banking, email, applications, social networking, Google search, facial ID and picture recognition, digital voice assistants like Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa, driving aids including route planning, traffic updates, and weather forecasts, and shopping centers. Every aspect of our contemporary internet lives is impacted, both personally and professionally. (M. Mathieu,, 2015) In the realm of business, global communication and interconnectedness have always been crucial (Chen, G., 2015). Making the most of data science and artificial intelligence is crucial, and there is no end to its potential expansion.

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