AI in Healthcare: Transformative Predictive Analytics With ML and DL

AI in Healthcare: Transformative Predictive Analytics With ML and DL

Upinder Kaur, Harsh Kumar, Ranbir Kaur
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3609-0.ch006
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The emerging technologies are revolutionizing predictive analytics in HealthCare domain. The research in this sector has made great strides in managing disease management, which has eventually resulted in the saving of lives. The report significantly provides the progress of sophisticated learning methods capable of deciphering complex data relationships, thereby transforming broad datasets into actionable insights for disease diagnosis and prognosis. This goal is to assess the scope of ML and DL in healthcare predictions, focusing on the urgent need for reliable, accurate, and timely predictions while addressing ethical challenges. The authors provide a summary of the approaches worked under predictive analytics in healthcare, emphasizing its lifesaving potential through better decision-making through identifying barriers, suggestions, and future pathways.
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1. Introduction

The healthcare system shows continuous development for human beings, reflected in the progressive or regressive development of health. That reflects the present unpredictability, and regrettably, many people suffer from significant health complications as a result of delayed disease discovery. There are chronic diseases in the liver, kidney, and cardiovascular systems, which impact over 50 million people worldwide. The early diagnosis of these can prevent them from progressing. Thus, timely disease detection is of the utmost significance.

The trends studied currently seem to have a substantial rise in complete consideration for the deployment of algorithms using these for the prediction of several diseases. Through examination of diverse data sources, these approaches can learn patterns and gather early signs of disease for prediction. This will support future healthcare, where financial limitations or hectic schedules may prevent individuals from easily accessing healthcare. This becomes even more critical. With healthcare data being created every day from all sorts of different sources, predictive analytics models have become increasingly important in the medical field. Although there is a growing amount of complicated data accessible, conventional techniques of storing and evaluating it are becoming more and more insufficient.

To generate a solution that can be used to predict diagnosis in medicine, evidence-based categorization of diseases needs to be synthesized into useful conclusions. Further in-depth review of every individual patient's data with characteristics must be conducted for identifying diseases and minimal errors in potential serious diseases. The current research reveals about the significant changes in the healthcare industry 4.0 w.r.t. the precision medicine, early diagnostic, accuracy in disease predication, robotic surgery, promote health and personal well-being. The availability computerized based system to integrate all Electronic Health Records (HER) to maintain, which digitizes medical records and maintain patient history. Patient data may now be efficiently captured, stored, retrieved, and analyzed, which improves healthcare delivery and decision-making.It’s evident from the ML and DL based approaches(Saber et al., 2019)that it will be emerged as powerful tools for analyzing healthcare records. The data sources such as genomics, environment, social media, and patient medical records data are available to enhance various aspects of healthcare with precise prediction, diagnostics, treatment, and clinical workflow.Figure 1 highlights the different aspects of AI in healthcare

1.1 Motivation

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in all domains of healthcare will revolutionise the healthcare 4.0. AI is now an indispensable tool in this, as it has more data can be analyzed, trends can be found, and competent judgments can be made. Through the field of predictive analysis, multiple aspects of AI use ML and DL approaches for predicting medical consequences and take pre-emptive actions during inpatient treatment. Further, accurate prediction is significant for early disease prediction; prompt action has a great impact on treatment outcomes and enhances patient prognosis. Thus, AI-driven prediction models play a crucial role in precision-based treatment plans for patients.

1.2 Chapter Contributions

  • Our chapter covers the thorough work of literature available from 2019 to 2024 that examines all innovative research, current development, and deployment of ML and DL in healthcare predictive analysis.

  • Further, deep analysis provides a comparative study with significant improvements using machine learning to overcome challenges in the existing healthcare domain. In a similar vein, our analysis of deep learning methodologies illuminates their sophisticated potential in analyzing intricate medical data and revealing complex patterns.

  • Notwithstanding the advancements made, the pathway of predictive analysis in the healthcare sector is replete with a variety of challenges. Some critical concerns linked to attention include data privacy, model transparency, and the necessity for rigorous validation mechanisms.

  • This chapter presents an exhaustive examination of the methods and obstacles involved with healthcare prediction.

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