AI-Driven Job Displacement and Economic Impacts: Ethics and Strategies for Implementation

AI-Driven Job Displacement and Economic Impacts: Ethics and Strategies for Implementation

M. Ramarajan, A. Dinesh, Chitra Muthuraman, J. Rajini, Taruna Anand, B. Segar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2643-5.ch013
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This chapter discusses the ethical implications of AI-driven technologies, particularly job displacement and economic impact. It emphasizes the need for transparency in AI algorithms and decision-making processes to foster trust and accountability. The paper also advocates for proactive measures like reskilling and upskilling programs to empower workers for future jobs and mitigate adverse effects on employment and economic stability. The paper emphasizes the significance of stakeholder engagement and inclusive decision-making in aligning AI deployment with societal values. It also discusses the role of government policies in preventing discrimination and promoting equal opportunities. The paper also highlights the need for ongoing monitoring and evaluation to assess the ethical implications of AI-driven job displacement. By prioritizing ethical principles, organizations can navigate AI's transformative potential while minimizing socio-economic impacts.
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The rapid advancement of AI and automation technologies has led to significant changes in society, bringing about increased efficiency and productivity. However, these innovations also raise ethical concerns about their impact on employment and economic stability. This chapter examines the ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven job displacement and economic impact, focusing on the purpose, scope, and structure of discussions. The technological revolution raises concerns about job displacement, income inequality, mass unemployment, and socio-economic upheaval (Oluwaseyi & Cena, 2024).

This chapter explores the ethical implications of AI-driven job displacement and its economic impact, using a multidisciplinary approach involving ethics, economics, sociology, and technology studies. It emphasizes principles like transparency, fairness, and accountability and discusses strategies for mitigating its adverse effects, such as reskilling programs, stakeholder engagement initiatives, and government regulations. The aim is to stimulate critical discourse and encourage action to ensure AI deployment aligns with societal values and fosters equitable outcomes for all (Jumaev, 2024).

The chapter discusses the ethical implications of AI-driven technologies, focusing on responsible implementation strategies like reskilling programs and stakeholder engagement. It also examines the economic impact of AI-driven job displacement and its socio-economic implications. It concludes with recommendations for future action, emphasizing the need for a proactive approach prioritizing human well-being and societal values, while safeguarding against negative socio-economic consequences. It provides actionable insights and ethical frameworks (Rawashdeh, 2023).

AI is revolutionizing industries, but concerns about its impact on employment and economic stability are increasing. This introduction discusses ethical considerations surrounding AI-driven job displacement and the need for responsible implementation strategies to mitigate adverse effects and promote equitable outcomes. AI and automation technologies have transformed sectors like manufacturing, logistics, finance, and healthcare(Boopathi, 2024b; Zekrifa et al., 2023). However, these advancements also pose significant challenges, particularly in terms of their impact on the labor market. As AI technologies become more integrated into business operations, ethical considerations such as transparency, fairness, and accountability are crucial. Transparency involves disclosing the inner workings of AI algorithms to stakeholders, fostering trust and understanding. Fairness aims to mitigate biases and ensure equitable outcomes for all individuals, regardless of demographics or socio-economic status. Accountability requires clear responsibility and recourse mechanisms in cases of AI-related harm or wrongdoing (Plikas et al., 2023).

AI deployment raises concerns about job displacement and income inequality, as traditional employment patterns are disrupted by automation, particularly in repetitive tasks. While AI can create new job opportunities and improve human capabilities, it may leave certain workforce segments behind, exacerbating social and economic disparities. The ethical challenges of AI-driven job displacement necessitate a multifaceted approach that combines technological innovation with social responsibility. Proactive measures like reskilling and upskilling programs empower workers to thrive in future jobs, while stakeholder engagement and inclusive decision-making foster public trust in AI technologies. Government policies and regulations protect against discriminatory practices and promote equitable access to opportunities in the digital economy (Lu & Zhou, 2021).

AI's job displacement and economic impact require ethical strategies focusing on transparency, fairness, and accountability to maximize transformative potential and minimize socio-economic impacts.

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