AI-Driven Applications in High-Tech Agriculture

AI-Driven Applications in High-Tech Agriculture

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9231-4.ch002
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As the global population continues to grow, the demand for food is also increasing, and high-tech agriculture has emerged as a key solution to meet this demand. AI technologies have the potential to revolutionize high-tech agriculture by optimizing farming practices. This chapter outlines the mission and concerns related to the use of AI-driven applications for high-tech agriculture. The primary objective of this chapter is to outline the mission and address concerns pertaining to the utilization of AI-driven applications in high-tech agriculture. This chapter provides insights into the extensive range of AI-driven applications in high-tech agriculture, spanning crop monitoring, seed selection, planting, harvesting, post-harvest processes, and distribution logistics. By providing a deep understanding of the state-of-the-art AI technologies in high-tech agriculture, this chapter also offers valuable recommendations for future directions and collaboration to fully capitalize on the benefits of AI in the agricultural sector.
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In light of the growing global population and the ensuing rise in food consumption, a deep exploration of inventive and innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is needed to support agricultural industry meet the food supply needs globally. (Alexandratos & Bruinsma, 2012). Artificial intelligence (AI) has a substantial impact on resource optimisation, waste reduction, and improvement of sustainable farming practises. By leveraging the power of advanced algorithms and data analytics, AI offers numerous capabilities that allow farmers to make decisions that are more informed and precise. Furthermore, AI can help farmers increase sustainability by enabling precision agriculture practises. AI-driven systems can be developed to holistically monitor farming practices at a microgranular level, identifying regions of stress, disease, or nutritional deficits, by utilising technology like satellite imaging, drones, and IoT sensors. As a result, the total environmental impact on farming can be reduced and resources can be used effectively through focused interventions like spot spraying or localised fertilisation.

AI-driven processes are revolutionizing high-tech agriculture by enhancing efficiency, precision, and productivity across various aspects of farming. With the power of artificial intelligence, farmers can leverage advanced technologies and data-driven approaches to optimize operations, improve decision-making, and achieve sustainable agricultural practices. Figure 1 presents various agricultural processes that can be driven by AI technologies.

Figure 1.

AI-driven processes for high-tech agriculture


Furthermore, AI can help with predictive analytics, allowing farmers to anticipate and mitigate potential risks. Crop yields, disease outbreaks, and insect infestations can all be predicted using machine learning algorithms by analysing farm historical data and current farm conditions. Armed with this knowledge, farmers may proactively put preventative measures into practice, such as early pest identification, cultivating disease-resistant crop types, leading to more resilient and sustainable agricultural practices.

The goal of this chapter is to raise awareness of the critical role that high-tech agriculture plays in supplying the world's ever-growing food demand and ensuring food security. The main goal is to investigate how AI technologies could improve agricultural productivity and efficiency. Also, to successfully address the pressing challenges the agriculture sector is currently facing, such as resource limitations, the impacts of climate change, and escalating food demands. This chapter aims to demonstrate how these technology breakthroughs might enable farmers to make educated decisions based on data-driven insights. While AI has enormous potential for high-tech agriculture, it is important to address concerns about how it may affect rural communities' employment and livelihoods (Ryan, 2022). The use of AI technology in agriculture can have both beneficial and detrimental effects, which are acknowledged and investigated in this chapter. The overarching goal is to demonstrate how AI has the potential to revolutionise high-tech agriculture, boosting efficiency and productivity while guaranteeing food security to the future generations.

To address the potential harmful effects, the chapter emphasises the necessity for careful assessment and proactive measures. In order for farmers and rural communities to profit from these technologies and advance sustainable practises, it is important that the governments shall proactively enact policies and regulations that protect the interests of communities involved in agriculture and farming. The chapter offers a thorough overview of the function of AI-driven applications in high-tech agriculture by highlighting the possible advantages and posing questions, while emphasising the significance of sustainable implementation and supportive legislative frameworks for equitable growth and development.


Challenges In High-Tech Agriculture

High-tech agriculture, with its integration of advanced technologies, has emerged as a promising approach to meet the growing demand for food in a world confronted by limited resources, climate change, and increasing population. However, this innovative field faces several significant challenges that must be addressed to ensure its success and long-term sustainability (Maffezzoli et. al., 2022).

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