AI as a Teacher: A New Educational Dynamic for Modern Classrooms for Personalized Learning Support

AI as a Teacher: A New Educational Dynamic for Modern Classrooms for Personalized Learning Support

Robertas Damasevicius, Tatjana Sidekerskiene
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2728-9.ch001
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This chapter discusses the impact and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, with a focus on AI chatbots like ChatGPT. The study synthesizes findings from scholarly articles, offering a holistic view of how AI is transforming educational methodologies, classroom dynamics, and the roles of educators. Key areas of investigation include the transformation of classroom dynamics through AI-enabled smart classrooms, innovative AI-driven teaching methods, and the specific applications and implications of ChatGPT and generative AI in education. The study also focuses on the dynamics of teacher-AI collaboration, discussing the potential benefits and ethical considerations that arise from the integration of AI technologies in teaching and learning processes. Furthermore, it examines AI's role in educational assessment and learning analytics, highlighting both the capabilities and limitations of AI tools in these domains. The example of using ChatGPT for AI-driven student assessment and personalized learning recommendation generation is presented.
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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into educational paradigms marks a significant milestone in the evolution of teaching and learning processes. The genesis of AI in education can be traced back to the advent of computer-assisted learning, where rudimentary AI was used to deliver basic educational content. Over the decades, advancements in AI technology have dramatically transformed its capabilities and applications in the educational sector (Chiu, 2024). Initially seen as a tool for automating simple tasks, AI has evolved to become a sophisticated partner in the educational process, capable of providing personalized learning experiences, data-driven insights, and interactive learning environments. The development of AI in education has been driven by both technological progress and an evolving understanding of learning processes. Early applications of AI in education focused primarily on addressing logistical and administrative challenges, such as grading and scheduling (Kay, 2012). This early work laid the groundwork for the more sophisticated applications we see today. Today, AI is utilized not only for administrative tasks but also for enhancing learning experiences, personalizing educational content, and providing insights into student performance and learning needs. The transition to these advanced applications is supported by developments in personalized learning through AI (Jian, 2023), the role of AI in education (Harry, 2023), and the potential for AI-powered learning to revolutionize education (Kataria, 2023).

The incorporation of AI into educational practices is closely intertwined with modern educational theories that emphasize personalized, adaptive, and student-centered learning. AI technologies align well with constructivist theories, which advocate for learning as an active, contextualized process of constructing and transferring knowledge (Damasevicius, 2014) rather than acquiring it passively. AI-powered tools can create personalized learning paths, adapt to individual student needs, and provide interactive, experiential learning experiences. Furthermore, AI has a significant role in the implementation of contemporary pedagogical approaches such as differentiated instruction and inquiry-based learning. By leveraging AI’s data processing capabilities, educators can better understand and respond to the diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests of their students. AI’s ability to analyze images and datasets enables educators to make informed decisions about curriculum design, instructional strategies, and student support. AI’s capabilities extend to the realm of educational assessment (Zirar, 2023), aligning with modern theories that advocate for continuous, formative assessment strategies over traditional summative approaches. AI tools can provide ongoing feedback to students, enabling them to understand their learning progress and areas for improvement in real-time.

The primary purpose of this chapter is to explore the multifaceted role of AI in enhancing and transforming educational practices. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of how AI technologies are being integrated into various aspects of education, from elementary to higher education, and their impact on teaching methodologies, student learning experiences, and educational outcomes. The scope of this chapter encompasses an examination of AI’s applications in automating routine tasks, personalizing learning experiences, supporting educators, and developing innovative teaching methods. Additionally, it focuses on the ethical implications and challenges associated with the deployment of AI in educational settings.

The chapter seeks to bridge the gap between theoretical understanding of AI in education and its practical implementation, offering insights into effective strategies for integrating AI into the classroom. It also aims to provide a critical analysis of the potential and limitations of AI in education, helping educators, policymakers, and stakeholders make informed decisions about incorporating AI technologies into educational systems.

This chapter contributes to the research field as follows:

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