AI and Transit-Oriented Development Strategy Towards Sustainable Cities for the Business Environment

AI and Transit-Oriented Development Strategy Towards Sustainable Cities for the Business Environment

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1902-4.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
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Fast-growing cities and populations require technological adaptability for sustainable urban development. Technology can improve the physical environment and boost global commerce with inclusive and sustainable urban design concepts. In this chapter, the authors evaluate the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for sustainable urban designs to promote Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and the global business environment. First, the study emphasizes the need for AI technologies in urban development. Section two discusses the primary AI tools used in urban design, and section three explains why transit-oriented development is recommended in urban planning. The study examined pertinent literature, empirical research, and credible data from Google Scholar and Science Direct. It shows that AI technologies enable sustainable urban development that promotes business, and TOD urban design promotes good living in New York, London, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
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1. Introduction

According to the World’s Population Prospects (2022), the global population is expanding at an alarming rate and passed the 8 billion in November of 2022, marking a significant milestone. It reports that by the year 2050, the world population would have increased by around 9.7 billion, and it is possible that the population will reach its highest point of 10.4 billion in the middle of the 2080s. Research indicates that over 50 per cent of the worldwide population increase is projected to take place in the African continent (UN DESA, 2022). By 2050, the population of 61 countries, such as Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine, is projected to decrease by at least 10 percent (WHO, 2023). However, according to the World Population Prospects of 2022, it is predicted that global migration will be the sole stimulus for population expansion in wealthier nations(Bhardwaj and Sharma, 2022). This prediction was made based on current trends and projections. The increasing global population presents significant obstacles to achieving sustainable development. However, in order to improve the general standard of life, as well as work and commerce, it is necessary to make use of various technological advancements in spatial management. In business also, there occur various transformational challenges due to the dynamic structure of global business environment. According to Bharadwaj, et al. (2023a), Artificial Intelligence has performed a big part in boosting managerial outcomes, and it conducts decision-making in business very fast in today's increasingly digitalized environment. In addition, academics in the nations of China, Spain, Italy, the United States of America, and India have carried out exhaustive research on the application of machine intelligence in the tourism and travel industries in those countries.Covid -19 and post pandemic challenges has brought a lot of transformation in industries including hotel industry(Bhardwaj et al., 2023c; Sharma et al., 2022;Bhardwaj et al., 2023d) According to the findings of the study, the tourism industry is making considerable use of artificial intelligence to promote the sustainable growth of tourism activities (Reejo, 2023). This is especially true in the areas of healthcare tourism, tourism to rural areas, eco-tourism, which and heritage-related tourism. Hence, in the modern era, inclusion of artificial intelligence, big data analysis and machine learning in decision making have changed the way of doing business in all over the world(Bhardwaj et al, 2023 b). In this context, cities should be planned and technologically upgraded to enhance the global business environment. Therefore, it is argued that for urban development to be sustainable, technological adaptation is essential, particularly in cities with rapidly expanding populations. The physical environment can be improved and global commerce can be boosted using urban design principles that are inclusive and sustainable through the use of technology.

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