AI and IoT for Universal Health and Well-Being Across Generations

AI and IoT for Universal Health and Well-Being Across Generations

G. P. Pavitharani, Rojal Treesa Joy, Rajesh Kanna Rajendran
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3272-6.ch014
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Over the last several years, the confluence of AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) has caused tremendous changes in many areas of our life, including the healthcare industry. Because of this cooperation, new possibilities have emerged with the aim of enhancing the health and welfare of people across all different generations. The ability to efficiently gather, analyze, and derive insights from large volumes of real-time data has revolutionized healthcare, allowing for better patient treatment and community health management. This is made feasible by combining algorithms powered by artificial intelligence with IoT-connected devices. Examining the game-changing possibilities of AI and the IoT in the healthcare industry is the goal of this introductory piece. The function of AI and the Internet of Things in advancing health equity and wellness across diverse age groups is the primary emphasis of this study. Countless and varied uses of AI and the internet of things may be found in the medical field. Some examples of these uses include remote patient monitoring and the development of predictive analytics tools for use in illness prevention. Health outcomes and quality of life for individuals of all ages can be improved via the development of individualized therapies and treatment programs that cater to each person's specific needs. It is feasible to create these opportunities with the help of these technologies. Healthcare issues may be effectively addressed in a variety of locations, from densely populated cities to more rural places, by implementing solutions that leverage the internet of things and artificial intelligence. Because these solutions are both accessible and scalable, this is the result. It is possible for healthcare systems to overcome barriers to service delivery and access by utilizing these technologies. As a result, people of all ages and from all over the world will be able to live the kind of healthy, fulfilling lives they deserve.
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Review Of Literature

AI, powered by machine learning and predictive analysis, has emerged as a game-changer in healthcare, enabling early detection, personalised interventions, and precise treatments (Peters, 2018). By analysing diverse datasets encompassing biological, environmental, and lifestyle factors, AI empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and adopt proactive measures to prevent diseases and enhance wellness. Moreover, AI-driven advancements in precision medicine and digital health solutions offer customised interventions tailored to individual needs, amplifying health outcomes and quality of life (Kizilcec et al., 2020).

The integration of AI with wearable devices has revolutionised remote patient monitoring, offering continuous tracking and management of various health parameters (Merchant et al., 2019). AI-powered wearables facilitate real-time data analysis, predictive modelling for disease management, and early detection of health issues. Despite challenges such as privacy concerns and regulatory considerations, AI-powered wearables hold promise in enhancing healthcare delivery and personalised services (Blikstein, 2021).For older adults, AI-driven digital therapeutics provide tailored interventions to address age-related conditions and enhance overall well-being (Akçayır & Akçayır, 2017). These interventions offer benefits such as improved cognitive function, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, factors such as accessibility and user interface design influence their adoption and implementation among older populations.

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