AI and Blockchain Revolution in Communication Education: Future of Work in the Age of Industrial Robotics

AI and Blockchain Revolution in Communication Education: Future of Work in the Age of Industrial Robotics

C. V. Suresh Babu, Sudhir Manoharan
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2399-1.ch003
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This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of AI and blockchain's role in communication education. It establishes the context, objectives, and significance of these technologies. The subsequent sections explore AI's impact in communication education, including content creation, personalization, and communication analysis. It also delves into blockchain's contributions, focusing on trust and transparency. The chapter addresses employment patterns, discussing automation's impact and the need for adaptability. It examines implications for professionals and educators, emphasizing ethical considerations and curriculum integration. Additionally, it explores enhancing pedagogy with AI and blockchain, offers strategic recommendations, showcases case studies, and looks ahead, emphasizing ethics and human-centered approaches.
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1. Introduction

1.1 Background and Scope

The combination of AI and Blockchain in the area of the Future of Work represents a fundamental change in the way we interact with technology at work and in our daily lives (Suresh Babu C.V. 2022). The landscape of work changes as a result of AI automating repetitive jobs and Blockchain ensuring secure and decentralized transactions, necessitating a new skill set that emphasizes adaptability, innovation, and cooperation. The rise of new sectors and professional categories is prompted by this change, which also calls for a revaluation of ethical, privacy, and prejudice issues. A dynamic, skill-focused workforce will be fostered in the workplace of the future through harmonic human-machine collaboration that transcends regional boundaries.

1.2 Objective of Chapter

The goal of the chapter on “Future of Work in AI and Blockchain ” is to investigate how the combination of these technologies is changing the nature of the workforce. It examines the implications of automation, changing skill sets, moral dilemmas, new employment positions, and cooperation, providing guidance for people, organizations, and governments on how to successfully navigate this rapidly changing environment.

1.3 Scope and Significance of AI and Blockchain in Communication Education

Integrating AI and Blockchain technology into communication education holds significant promise, offering a range of potential benefits. Personalized learning experiences, tailored to individual student needs, become achievable through AI algorithms that adapt to different learning styles. Language skills can be enhanced with AI-driven language processing tools, providing real-time feedback and fostering more effective communication (Sophia et al., 2023).

The inclusion of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) allows for the simulation of real-world communication scenarios, offering students immersive experiences to refine their practical skills. Automated evaluation, facilitated by AI, streamlines assessment processes, providing timely and constructive feedback to students.

Moreover, emphasizing ethical behavior is inherent in this strategy. AI can be programmed to instill ethical principles, preparing students for responsible communication practices in their future careers. This transformative approach aligns communication education with contemporary expectations, ensuring students acquire industry-relevant skills.

Blockchain’s role in this context extends to secure credential verification, assuring the authenticity of students’ achievements. It also facilitates data-driven insights, enabling educators to tailor curricula based on performance analytics (Suresh Babu, C. V. & Sanjai Das. 2023). Additionally, the integration of these technologies opens up possibilities for global cooperation, transcending geographical boundaries and preparing students for a connected, technology-driven professional landscape. Overall, the incorporation of AI and Blockchain enriches communication education, offering a forward-looking, skill-oriented, and globally relevant learning experience. (Elena, 2023)

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