Agricultural Automation Using Cloud Robotics

Agricultural Automation Using Cloud Robotics

E. Fantin Irudaya Raj, E. Francy Irudaya Rani, C. Sweetline Jenita, V. S. Winstor Jebakumar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1914-7.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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Agriculture, as a critical sector in the global economy, faces increasing challenges such as growing demand for food, limited resources, and the need for sustainability. The integration of automation technologies and cloud robotics in agriculture has emerged as a transformative solution to address these challenges. The chapter introduces and elucidates how it leverages cloud computing and data analytics to bring efficiency, scalability, and intelligence to the agricultural landscape. Several case studies are presented to illustrate real-world applications of cloud robotics in diverse farming settings, highlighting their impact on resource management, crop yield optimization, and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the chapter identifies the hurdles and barriers hindering the widespread adoption of cloud robotics in agriculture, including cost, connectivity, and data security concerns, and offers potential solutions to overcome these challenges.
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1. Introduction

Agriculture is the cornerstone of human civilization, providing sustenance, economic stability, and livelihoods to billions of people worldwide. However, the agricultural sector faces a multitude of challenges in the 21st century, including a burgeoning global population, resource constraints, climate change, and the imperative of producing more food with fewer resources (Agrimonti et al., 2021). To address these challenges and ensure the future sustainability of agriculture, technological innovations have become indispensable. One such innovation is the fusion of cloud computing and robotics in the agricultural sector, a synergy that holds the promise of revolutionizing traditional farming practices (Phasinam et al., 2022).

The concept of agricultural automation is not new. For decades, the industry has witnessed the deployment of various automation technologies, such as tractors, automated irrigation systems, and crop monitoring sensors. These technologies have undeniably increased efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved yields. However, the integration of cloud robotics in agriculture represents a transformative leap forward (Kalyani & Collier, 2021). Figure 1 shows the automated robotic arm controlled through cloud server used in agriculture.

Figure 1.

Automated robotic arm controlled through cloud server


Cloud robotics, a relatively recent field, combines the power of robotics with cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) (Lytridis et al., 2021). It has the potential to enhance agricultural automation in numerous ways, including real-time data analysis, remote monitoring, predictive analytics, and precise decision-making. By harnessing the computing and storage capabilities of cloud-based systems, agricultural robots can access vast amounts of data, process it in real-time, and operate with a level of sophistication previously unimaginable (Afrin et al., 2021).

The present chapter aims to explore the significant role of cloud robotics in agricultural automation. We will delve into the array of automation technologies currently employed in agriculture, highlighting the advantages and limitations of these technologies. We will then transition to an in-depth analysis of cloud robotics and its relevance to agriculture, illustrating how it enhances the efficiency, scalability, and intelligence of agricultural processes. As with any transformative technology, cloud robotics in agriculture presents a set of challenges and barriers, including concerns about cost, connectivity, and data security. The present chapter will explore these challenges and propose strategies to overcome them, fostering a conducive environment for the widespread adoption of cloud robotics in agriculture.

It also examined the landscape of cloud robotics platforms and software solutions, providing insights into the options available to agricultural stakeholders. This information will enable farmers and industry participants to make informed decisions when considering the implementation of cloud robotics in their operations. Finally, the chapter will conclude with a forward-looking perspective, discussing the anticipated future trends and the evolving landscape of agricultural automation using cloud robotics. As we stand at the intersection of agriculture and cutting-edge technology, it is crucial to understand how this fusion of fields will shape the future of farming practices, resource management, and global food security.


2. Agricultural Automation Technologies

Agricultural automation technologies encompass a wide range of tools and systems that aim to optimize and streamline various aspects of farming. These technologies have evolved significantly over the years, enhancing productivity, reducing labor requirements, and improving overall efficiency in agricultural processes. In this section, the chapter will explore some of the key agricultural automation technologies, highlighting their features, applications, and the benefits they offer to the agricultural industry.

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