Agile Adaptations in Media and Communication Projects: A Pathway to Enhanced Collaboration and Flexibility

Agile Adaptations in Media and Communication Projects: A Pathway to Enhanced Collaboration and Flexibility

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3318-1.ch010
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Media and communication are continually changing, therefore adapting to audience tastes, technology, and market dynamics is crucial. This chapter explores Agile project management in the media and communication sector to find and develop methods that improve efficiency, inventiveness, and responsiveness. Traditional Agile approaches, successful in software development, struggle in media projects' creative and collaborative atmosphere. After a thorough literature search, this study compares Agile approaches to media and communication projects to demonstrate the need for adaptation. To understand how Agile practices are applied and adapted in this setting, the research uses case studies and interviews with industry specialists. The findings show that tailored Agile frameworks can improve project outcomes by improving collaboration, adaptability, and stakeholder engagement. The study finishes with specialized agile implementation ideas for media businesses, adding to the discussion on Agile techniques' adaptability and applicability across industries.
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Literature Review

The Agile Manifesto, which was presented by Beck et al. (2001), was a revolutionary document in the field of project management. It proposed a set of ideals and principles that were intended to improve the flexibility, cooperation, and efficiency of software development projects. This foundational text emphasizes the significance of humans and interactions, workable solutions, customer collaboration, and adaptability to change in comparison to the paradigms that are traditionally used in project management. Since that time, agile techniques, which place an emphasis on iterative development, stakeholder interaction, and adaptive planning, have been extensively embraced across a variety of industries. Some examples of these methodologies include Scrum, Kanban, and Lean.

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