Affordable Internet of Things Sleep Monitor System

Affordable Internet of Things Sleep Monitor System

Calin Ciufudean, Corneliu Buzduga
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3354-9.ch005
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Sleep monitoring offers significant benefits in understanding and optimizing a person's sleep experience by identifying problems, optimizing sleep routines, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. This raises the question of what factors affect the average person during sleep and what constitutes restful sleep. To cover a wide range of factors that influence the quality of sleep and to collect both the vital data, and the disturbing factors that may appear during sleep, the system presented in this work uses sensors that measure and detect the temperature, humidity, light level, air quality, room noise. The person's pulse and movements will also be monitored. To verify possible correlations between the measured data and sleep quality, the sleeping person is recorded in video and audio, so that the person's state can be checked by the data detected by the sensors at a certain moment. Long-term storage of accumulated information is necessary to evaluate the evolution of sleep quality.
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Key Terms in this Chapter

Monitoring System: A software implemented on a hardware device that helps sysadmins monitor systems in an IT environment.

Luminous Intensity: The quantity of visible light that is emitted in unit time per unit solid angle.

Temperature: A physical quantity that quantitatively expresses the attribute of hotness or coldness, which is defined as the average kinetic energy of the particles of a given substance.

Internet of Things: The network of physical objects, “things”, that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet.

Bluetooth: A short-range wireless technology standard that is used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances.

Humidity: A measure of the amount of water vapor in the air.

Sensors: The devices that produce an output signal to detect a physical phenomenon.

Sleep Quality: The four attributes: sleep efficiency, sleep latency, sleep duration, and wake after sleep onset for an individual's self-satisfaction with all aspects of the sleep experience.

Noise: The unwanted or harmful sound considered unpleasant, loud, or disruptive to hearing.

Microprocessor: A single-chip implementation of a processor that incorporates all or most of the functions of a central processing unit.

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