Advanced Electronic Healthcare Application Using Mechanical Renewable Energy for Long-Term Population

Advanced Electronic Healthcare Application Using Mechanical Renewable Energy for Long-Term Population

L. Karthick, Senthil Kumar K., L. Vadivukarasi, Dler Salih Hasan, L. Nagarajan, R. Aarthi
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1966-6.ch018
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Renewable energy has grown rapidly in recent decades as a result of the environmental issues associated with utilizing fossil fuels and the limitations in the sources of these types of fuels. Systems using renewable energy may be used to produce clean energy in many different industries. The use of renewable energies in the medical and dentistry fields is examined in the current study. The literature assessment suggests that innovations based on renewable energy sources can be used to medical infrastructure and equipment. For instance, hospitals and other healthcare facilities may be heated and cooled using solar-based systems. Additionally, autoclaves as well as medical dryers can use solar thermal energy. Implementing renewable energy systems for such purposes would result in fewer carbon dioxide emissions, which promote sustainable development, even though it would likely need more complex buildings and higher investment costs.
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