Adoption of Machine Learning With Adaptive Approach for Securing CPS

Adoption of Machine Learning With Adaptive Approach for Securing CPS

Rama Mercy Sam Sigamani
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6291-1.ch061
(Individual Chapters)
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The cyber physical system safety and security is the major concern on the incorporated components with interface standards, communication protocols, physical operational characteristics, and real-time sensing. The seamless integration of computational and distributed physical components with intelligent mechanisms increases the adaptability, autonomy, efficiency, functionality, reliability, safety, and usability of cyber-physical systems. In IoT-enabled cyber physical systems, cyber security is an essential challenge due to IoT devices in industrial control systems. Computational intelligence algorithms have been proposed to detect and mitigate the cyber-attacks in cyber physical systems, smart grids, power systems. The various machine learning approaches towards securing CPS is observed based on the performance metrics like detection accuracy, average classification rate, false negative rate, false positive rate, processing time per packet. A unique feature of CPS is considered through structural adaptation which facilitates a self-healing CPS.
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Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)

CPSs are frameworks that connect the physical world (e.g., through sensors or actuators) with the virtual universe of data handling. They are formed from differing constituent parts that team up to make some worldwide conduct. These constituents will incorporate programming frameworks, correspondences innovation, and sensors/actuators that communicate with this present reality, frequently including installed advances.

An average CPS as shown in Figure 1 may:

  • Monitor and control physical and hierarchical or business forms

  • Be an extensive scale framework with various - and notwithstanding clashing - objectives crossing distinctive application spaces

  • Require incorporation of various specialized orders and diverse application spaces

  • Require a high level of constancy

  • Involve generous client contribution/communication

  • Continuously screen and advance its own execution

  • Adapt and advance continually accordingly changes in nature, through constant (re)configuration, sending or (de)commissioning

  • Require progressive choice frameworks with a high level of self-sufficiency on neighborhood, territorial, national, and worldwide dimension

  • Be circulated and interconnected frameworks of frameworks

Figure 1



Example Application Domains

CPSs can be conveyed in a wide range of settings and application territories. Here are a few precedents:

  • Improving productivity and security in homes and workplaces

  • Supporting old individuals living alone.

  • Monitoring security and developments of travelers in an open transport framework, or of vehicles on a street arrange.

  • Optimizing crop yield and decreasing pesticide/compost use, by utilizing CPSs to distinguish and convey them just where they are required.

Figure 2 shows the CPS and embedded systems.

Figure 2



CPS and the Internet of Things

IoT and CPS share numerous difficulties, yet there are a few refinements as shown in Figure 3 IoT has a solid accentuation on interestingly recognizable and web associated gadgets and installed frameworks. CPS building has a solid accentuation on the connection among calculation and the physical world (e.g., between complex programming and equipment parts of a framework).

Figure 3



Cps Security

CPS Security Objectives

In assuring the security of cyber physical systems, there are several security objectives to achieve. They are

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