Adoption and Dissemination of Digital Game-Based Learning

Adoption and Dissemination of Digital Game-Based Learning

Jeonghee Huh
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-865-9.ch030
(Individual Chapters)
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Today’s youth are growing up with video and computer games. With such constant exposure to high-end graphics and games, it is no wonder that children find textbooks and traditional educational materials extremely boring. To encourage digital game-based learning, this study (a) examines benefits of digital game-based learning, (b) identifies potential barriers and (c) provides suggestions for overcoming the barriers. A review of literature in educational games and technology reveals that game-based learning can contribute to increasing students’ cognitive skills, academic performance and motivation in learning; that potential barriers include people, cost and infrastructure issues. Several suggestions are made to facilitate overcoming the barriers. There may be more barriers in adopting digital game-based learning due to continuous changes in educational game areas and the diverse characteristics of today’s learners. To facilitate digital game-based learning, teachers should utilize existing, effective resources to provide quality instruction.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Gamer Generations: Today’s youth who grow up with playing video and computer games from an early age and who can learn by playing games and learn from others playing games.

Strategy Games: Games that require heavier use of cognitive skills. Included are role-play, adventure, and board games.

Twitch Games: Games that require heavier use of psychomotor skills. Included are arcade and psychomotor games.

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