Addressing Issues and Challenges Using AI in Pharmacy

Addressing Issues and Challenges Using AI in Pharmacy

Muzzammil Siraj, Hasnain Siraj, Muhammad Shoaib, Safdar Miran, Asif Mahmood, Fida Hussain
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2333-5.ch002
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The complications and difficulties relating to the application of AI in pharmacy events are systematically scrutinized in this chapter. AI technologies have momentous potential to aid in pharmacy and healthcare settings as they advance. However, numerous challenges must be overcome before AI may be successfully executed in pharmacies. Integration, data security and privacy, regulatory compliance, ethical issues, user acceptability and training, clinical efficacy, and validation are just a few of the major problems covered in this chapter. Every impediment is thoroughly inspected, offering valuable perceptions of the particulars related to the integration of AI in pharmaceutical settings. The chapter provides a nuanced standpoint that can guide strategic decision-making in the ever-changing geography of AI integration in apothecaries by bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical factors.
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The delivery of healthcare services is shifting theatrically with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into pharmacy processes. AI can suggestively recover patient care, lessen operational operations, and enhance drug administration (Das et al., 2021). This life-changing involvement is not without complications, though, and a thorough understanding of these roadblocks is important to successful integration. A cautious balance between technological innovation and the current measures of traditional pharmacy settings is critical for the incorporation of AI into pharmacy procedures (Al Meslamani, 2023a). Pharmacists and their support staff need to regulate new events, which calls for considerate preparation and calculated implementation (Jarab et al., 2023, Wen et al., 2024). The smooth integration of AI systems is a difficult task because of the probable disturbances during this modification period. Furthermore, the requirement of AI on extensive datasets, including medical patient data, offers substantial concerns regarding data security and privacy (Khan et al., 2023). As stated by laws like HIPAA, maintenance of this private data is not only required by law but also crucial to preserve patient confidence in the digital age (Wong et al., 2023, Tahir & Zaheer, 2024). Pharmacies must face a challenging regulatory situation to guarantee compliance with changing healthcare values as regulatory authorities, such as the FDA, fight with the clearance and omission of AI-driven medical devices (Mishra, 2018, Chalasani et al., 2023). To assurance the security and efficiency of AI systems in pharmacy settings, these criteria are important. The incorporation of AI into pharmacy is further intricate by ethical issues. To preserve the integrity of healthcare actions, issues correlated to accountability, probable biases in algorithms, and the ethical use of patient data need to be cautiously measured (Flynn, 2019). The impartial of this chapter is to methodically inspect and analyze these issues, enlightening the complex territory of AI execution in pharmacy situations.

Figure 1.

Overview of using AI in pharmacy


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