Additive Manufacturing for a Sustainable Production: Materials, Processes, and Impact

Additive Manufacturing for a Sustainable Production: Materials, Processes, and Impact

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1862-1.ch001
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In the pursuit of eco-friendly and sustainable practices, Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing, has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing process. AM presents a host of benefits, including increased flexibility in design, manufacture size, and customization. Despite its numerous advantages, the implementation of AM technology in production industries remains limited. This underlines the require for further exploration and execution of AM to harness its full potential in advancing sustainable and efficient manufacturing practices. This chapter explores the dynamic intersection of additive manufacturing and sustainable production, focusing on materials, processes, and the overall impact on the environment. This proposed chapter delves into the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities, providing a comprehensive guide for readers interested in the environmentally conscious applications of 3D printing.
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1. Introduction

The revolutionary realm of Additive Manufacturing (AM), often colloquially known as “3D Printing” or “Rapid Prototyping,” encompasses layer-by-layer fabrication technologies intricately governed by Computer-Aided Design (CAD) models. Historically, the predominant application of AM was in rapid prototyping. However, the multifaceted capabilities of AM now extend beyond, finding profound utility in crafting intricate 3D objects across diverse domains such as polymer science and technology, biomedical sciences, nuclear engineering, and space exploration (Suresh, Kumar, Yuvaraj, Velmurugan, et al., 2024; Suresh, Natarajan, Boopathi, et al., 2024).

The versatility of 3D printing arises from its adaptability to various input materials, distinguishing it as a solid, liquid, and powder-based technique. Specifically, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is instrumental in fashioning solid-based patterns, while Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) play pivotal roles in developing power-based constructs. Moreover, the liquid-based patterns are meticulously formed through techniques like Direct Ink Writing (DIW), Digital Light Processing (DLP), and Stereolithography (SLA). Figure 1 illustrates the schematic representations of FDM, SLS, and SLA. The foundation of AM lies in its varied processes that bring digital designs to life. Elaborating on the intricacies of FDM, SLM, SLS, DIW, DLP, and SLA, this section provides a comprehensive overview of each technique, unraveling the nuances that define their efficiency and applicability. Delving into the recent advancements and emerging trends, the manuscript aims to furnish readers with a holistic understanding of the evolving landscape of additive manufacturing processes.

Figure 1.

General 3D Printing Process Schematic (a) FDM (Solid-based) (b) SLS (Liquid-based) and (c) SLA (Power-based) (Sources:


Additive Manufacturing (AM) emerges as a pivotal tool for manufacturers seeking to navigate the challenges associated with high manufacturing costs, particularly in scenarios demanding extensive product customization. The inherent capability of AM to produce a diverse array of customized, low-volume products featuring intricate geometries addresses the limitations of traditional manufacturing methods, where such complexities would result in prohibitively elevated costs (Kumar, Singh, et al., 2023). Positioned as a sustainable technology, AM holds immense promise in elevating material efficiency, mitigating life cycle impacts, and fostering superior functional outcomes. The evolution of AM represents a transformative force, empowering industries to reimagine both manufacturing and logistics processes. Despite its potential, the widespread adoption of AM faces hurdles, primarily stemming from its high implementation costs and applicability limitations across various industries (Kumar, Kumar, et al., 2023).

Recognizing the nuanced nature of AM's efficacy across industries, coupled with the economic considerations associated with its implementation, this technology is yet to find a ubiquitous presence on mainstream production lines. The current landscape witnesses a surge in research and development efforts undertaken by both corporate entities and academic institutions. These endeavors aim to address existing challenges and refine AM processes, thereby enhancing accessibility and applicability across diverse industrial sectors. As ongoing research endeavors continue to refine and optimize AM, bridging gaps and addressing limitations, the technology inches closer to broader integration into conventional manufacturing practices (Suresh, Ramesh, Natarajan, Ang, et al., 2024). The evolution of advanced manufacturing technologies, with a particular emphasis on additive manufacturing, offers exciting prospects for the reduction of lead times, the promotion of localized operations, the facilitation of collaborative production, and the amplification of sustainability benefits within corporate settings (Gebler et al., 2014).

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