Achieving Academic Excellence: The Intersection of Teacher Development, Quality Education, and Entrepreneurship

Achieving Academic Excellence: The Intersection of Teacher Development, Quality Education, and Entrepreneurship

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5518-0.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Academic excellence showcases an individual's ability to excel in school activities, with teaching and education service quality being crucial factors. This chapter discusses how teacher development and training sessions play a vital role in refining the education sector. Professional development opportunities for teachers have increased significantly, enabling schools to provide quality education to students, thereby improving education standards. Challenges faced during the teacher development process are highlighted. The chapter also examines how quality education helps prepare students for the job market, developing their skills and competencies while positively impacting teachers' professional growth.
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In order to achieve education excellence, teacher training becomes an important concept as educators need to be given consistent training opportunities so that they can stay at the top of their game. In the current generation, teacher training is essential for the purpose of updating teaching tactics and strategies as per student’s learning needs. There is a need of personalization in the education process as each student is unique in the ways of thinking, analyzing and comprehending the academic aspects (Fauth et al., 2019). It is essential for the teachers to understand the diversified learning needs of students not only to build academic excellence but also to make the students competent in professional areas. Therefore, regarding this the chapter highlights the role of teacher development in education improvement and promoting student entrepreneurship (Alkaabi, 2023). In order to advance the educational services, it is vital to emphasize on teacher’s learning and professional development areas as that further prepares the students for the job market.

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