Accounting for Noise Pollution in Planning of Smart Cities

Accounting for Noise Pollution in Planning of Smart Cities

A.W.A. Hammad, A. Akbarnezhad, D. Rey
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7030-1.ch053
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The incorporation of sustainable design measures in urban planning and development has been steadily increasing in the recent years. Achieving a sustainable urban environment requires accounting for the economic, environmental and social impacts of the development involved. An important factor affecting the social and environmental sustainability of urbanised areas which is commonly overlooked in urban planning is the noise pollution level. Despite the proven impacts of noise pollution on the general wellbeing of individuals within an urban setting, there remains a lack of systematic methods to integrate the impact of noise within the design of urban areas. This chapter seeks to raise awareness of the issue of noise pollution in urban settings while proposing novel approaches for its incorporation as a design parameter in planning the layout of smart cities.
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Defining Noise

There is a difference between what can constitute being labelled as noise and what is in general known as sound. Sound is physically defined as a longitudinal mechanical wave, characterised by the variation in pressure that it causes in the elastic medium through which it traverses (Berg & Stork, 2005). Noise is any sound that is considered to be a disruption. Throughout this chapter noise levels from different activities will be reported in the A-weighted decibel scale. This is a filter which considers the non-linear frequency response of the ear to noise at different frequencies (Fricke, 1985).

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