Accessible Mobile Rehabilitation Games for Special User Groups

Accessible Mobile Rehabilitation Games for Special User Groups

Sari Merilampi, Antti Koivisto, Andrew Sirkka
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3432-8.ch071
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents viewpoints of 104 users upon trials on four mobile games which combine cognitive stimulation and physical exercise in rehabilitation. The first game requires users to control by tilting a mobile phone embedded in a balance board; the second game can be controlled by tilting the tablet computer; the third game is a modified version of Trail Making Test A—a memory test that can be played by tapping figures on the screen of tablet computer; and the fourth game is an activation game with a special controller, dedicated for people with severe physical limitations. Users welcomed the use of games as self-rehabilitation tools that can be adjusted according to personal skills and limitations. The games not only gave them meaningful activities, but also saved time and efforts of professional care takers who might be unable to socialize frequently with clients.
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Design Principles Of The Games

Four different games presented in this study are categorised based on the control method and the game display. The first game (Game#1) is controlled by tilting the mobile phone allocated in a balance board, and the visual of the game is displayed on a large television screen. The second (Game#2) and the third (Game#3) games are playable on a tablet computer, in which figures of the second game can be controlled by tilting the tablet; while figures on the third game can be manipulated by tapping the screen. The fourth game (Game#4) is playable by moving custom-made a hand controller and a head controller, in which the visual of this game can be showed either on a tablet computer screen or on a bigger screen.

Game#1 was tested with older adults and people with learning disabilities. Game#2 and #3 were tested by a group of older male participants with diagnosed memory impairment. Game #4 was tested in a rehabilitation centre with people with varying physical disabilities.

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