Acceleration of Image Processing and Computer Vision Algorithms

Acceleration of Image Processing and Computer Vision Algorithms

Aswathy Ravikumar, Harini Sriraman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8892-5.ch001
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Image processing combined with computer vision is creating a vast breakthrough in many research, industry-related, and social applications. The growth of big data has led to the large quantity of high-resolution images that can be used in complex applications and processing. There is a need for rapid image processing methods to find accurate and faster results for the time-crucial applications. In such cases, there is a need to accelerate the algorithms and models using the HPC systems. The acceleration of these algorithms can be obtained using hardware accelerators like GPU, TPU, FPGA, etc. The GPU and TPU are mainly used for the parallel implementation of the algorithms and processing them parallelly. The acceleration method and hardware selection are challenging since numerous accelerators are available, requiring deep knowledge and understanding of the algorithms. This chapter explains the deployment of HPC accelerators for CNN and how acceleration is achieved. The leading cloud platforms used in computer vision for acceleration are also listed.
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Image Processing And Computer Vision

Image processing research has resulted in developing several sophisticated operators that provide visually arresting results. In the recent decade, techniques have been developed that may drastically improve detail in a picture by adopting the style of a master photographer (Aubry et al., 2014), smooth the image for the goal of simplification (Xu et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2014) and reduce the effects of scattering. Existing operators have a wide range of computing requirements and run times. Certain operators, such as filtering methods, have benefited from almost a decade of focused effort to accelerate their growth. One well-known technique for speeding up a wide variety of image analysis operators is to down sample the picture, run the operator at a low resolution, and then up a sample (J. Chen et al., 2016). This strategy has two significant downsides. The original operators must be assessed on a lower-resolution version of the picture. This may be a considerable disadvantage since certain operators are sluggish, and present implementations are incapable of running at interactive rates, even at different resolutions.

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