A Vision for a Quality Management System of Resilience (QMSR)

A Vision for a Quality Management System of Resilience (QMSR)

Mansour Mrabet
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4605-8.ch023
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Companies and organizations have learned a hard lesson from the global pandemic of COVID-19, especially those without resiliency. Many of them have collapsed. By reviewing the scientific literature that deals with the problems of resilience in organizations, it becomes clear the importance of scientific research on the effects of quality concepts on the development of the quality management system of resilience (QMSR) model. This is what prompted the researcher to propose a vision for quality in resilience by clarifying the current position of the concept of resilience in the international standards ISO (international organization for standardization) and in the components of total quality management in general. The researcher proceeds from his so-called vision and readings the basic components of the quality management system of resilience (QMSR) model. He also explained the possibility of applying the model in the field of higher education.
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Resilience, Environmental Analysis, And The Disruption Model In The Quality Management System Of Resilience

In his attempts to define the concept of “resilience” in the field of quality, the researcher poses several questions, including: Does the definition of resilience without considering the quality standards reduce the scientific value of this definition? How can the concept of resilience be defined from the perspective of quality? Does the quality perspective of resilience give an added scientific value in the field of quality, more than the definition of resilience without quality standards in the field of quality?

Subsequently, the researcher claims that defining the quality of resilience and its importance in the field of quality enable the design of a more relevant model.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Quality Management System: It is a management system (i.e., planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) that enables the provision of a product (good or service) with the highest quality specifications to satisfy and delight the stakeholders.

Quality Management System of Resilience (QMSR): It is a quality system that enables quality management (i.e., planning, organization, direction, and control) of the resilience process to achieve a high level of performance in the face of environmental disruptions.

Resilience: It is a process consisting of inputs, outputs, and processes for the transformation of inputs into outputs, to provide high performance to companies and organizations in response to environmental disruptions.

Quality in Resilience Processes: It is the high level of quality of the resilience processes to convert at a high level the quality of the resilience of the inputs into the high level the quality of the resilience of outputs with a high response quality to environmental changes, to achieve a high level of quality for the resiliency of the Processes.

Quality of the Input Resilience: It is the high level of quality required for the inputs that are provided with a high-quality level response to environmental changes, in order to achieve a high level of quality for the input resilience.

Quality in Resilience Outputs: It is the high level of quality required for the outputs that are provided with a high-quality response to environmental changes, to achieve a high level of quality for the output resiliency.

Quality in Resilience: It is the quality in the inputs, outputs, and processes for converting inputs into outputs of the resilience process, to provide high-quality performance for companies and organizations, and to provide a high-quality response to environmental disruptions.

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