A Survey on Chaos Based Encryption Technique

A Survey on Chaos Based Encryption Technique

Anandkumar R, Kalpana R.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-6023-4.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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Information security is an important field among the pervasive use of applications namely internet banking, mobile services, emails, viz., chaos-based encryption techniques play an important role in many security processes, namely: military systems, robotics, and other real time computing services. The secure transmission of audio, image and video are processed with unique characteristic of a third-party which makes the encryption and decryption highly secure for the users. In this chapter, a detailed survey on the various chaos-based encryption techniques is discussed and analyzed.
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Information security ensures the security, integrity, and availability of public data among the users on the web. In the present scenario of digital era, information security is an important concern that too with the pervasive use of potential applications such as internet banking, and emails. This necessitates cryptography which is a very essential part in any communication and networking systems will ensure the security, integrity, authenticity and availability of the data over the cloud environment. Lot of progressive research works are found in the literature by the individuals, academicians, and researchers for the past two decades on cryptographic algorithms. The security of any cryptographic protocol depends on the strength of cryptographic key and strength of cryptographic key depends on the length of a key. In the traditional cryptography, a random key is generated and the key will not be linked with the user, in turn it is very difficult to remember as the key as it is not linked with the user. The data will be initially encrypted, and the information will be secured with minimal crypto security features when the data is propagated in the network. The information will be more secured with public and private keys and during retrieval; the data will be decrypted with the same key. In the other hand the privacy of the data is network concern. Data shared in the network to be private is more secured. The data may be preserved using privacy techniques in any channel and transmit it with security including standards.

Contributing Areas of Cryptology

Cryptology is a part of mathematics. Cryptography and cryptanalysis comes under the mathematical study of cryptology. Cryptology is the process of hiding the data or information from the intruder. The combination of cryptography and cryptanalysis is called as cryptology. It has several research sections namely like information theory, computer science, cryptography, cryptanalysis, communication theory, semiotics, chaos theory and synergetic. The classification of cryptology is presented in Figure 1. (Shukla, Khare, Rizvi, Stalin, & Kumar, 2015).

Figure 1.

Areas of Cryptology

  • 1.


Cryptography is a process of secret writing which is used to convert the original text message into a coded cipher manuscript message and is called as enciphering; converting of the plain text from the cipher manuscript is deciphering. In cryptography, the source user and the destination user uses the matching key is called as symmetric or secret key encryption. If source user and the destination user uses a dissimilar key which called as asymmetric or public-key encryption. The general cryptographic system is deputed in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

View of Cryptography System

  • 2.


Cryptanalysis is the study of ciphers and cipher text. The analysis helps for breaking of secret codes. It is used to view and find the weakness in them it allows retrieving the information of plain text from the cipher text, without knowing the key. The Table 1 explains the various types of cryptanalysis attack. The attacks consist of a encryption and decryption process where the encrypted text is converted into a cipher text which as to be decrypted the challenges caused here are the various attacks listed in Table 1. The known text can be converted into a cipher text by combining one or more cipher text pairs with a secret key which has to be used as decipher. The decipher key used by the cryptanalyst must be matched with the secret key and the cipher text else has to face the security challenges. The chosen text must be reassured by the cryptanalyst where it matches the cipher text and the secret key combination are matched while the decryption takes place by obtaining the decipher text. Table 1 (Shukla, Khare, Rizvi, Stalin, & Kumar, 2015) shows the list of cryptanalysis attacks.

Table 1.
Types of Cryptanalysis Attack
Type of AttackKnown to Cryptanalyst
Cipher text onlyEncryption Technique
Cipher text to be decipher
Known plain textEncryption Technique
Cipher text to be decipher
One or more original text-cipher text pairs formed with the secret key
Chosen plain textEncryption Technique
Cipher text to be decipher
Original text message chosen by the cryptanalyst, together with its matching cipher text generated with the secret key
Chosen cipher textEncryption Technique
Cipher text to be decipher
The cipher text chosen by the cryptanalyst, together with its matching decrypted plain text generated with the secret key
Chosen textEncryption Technique
Cipher text to be decipher
Plain text message chosen by the cryptanalyst, together with its corresponding cipher text generated with the secret key
The cipher text chosen by the cryptanalyst, together with its matching decrypted plain text generated with the secret key

Key Terms in this Chapter

Chaos Mapping: Chaotic map is an evolution function that shows some part of chaotic behavior. The chaotic mapping will be either discrete or continuous.

Decryption: Decryption is a process of converting cipher text to plain text.

Encryption: Encryption is process of converting a plain text to cipher text.

Cryptography: Art of Secret writing.

Chaos Theory: Chaos theory is the branch of mathematics deals with complicated linear dynamic systems.

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