A Study on the Orthography and Grammatical Errors of Tertiary-Level Students

A Study on the Orthography and Grammatical Errors of Tertiary-Level Students

Jayakumar Padmanabhan, S. Suman Rajest, J. Josephin Veronica
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6682-7.ch004
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Writing is one of the most important skills in language abilities. It is a primary basis for judging one's learning and intellect. Writing skills equip us with communication and thinking skills. Writing is very important in communication. More importantly, in writing, the learners of English should have error-free sentences in their orthographic and grammatical areas. Because if there is incorrect grammar, the sentences will be unclear and meaningless. The proper syntactic structure of the paper shows a huge difference in one's speaking and writing, and it also indicates sound knowledge of the speaker. A combination of diverse features of English is required for effective communication. The study aims to explore the writing skills of tertiary-level students and to find out the difficulties in writing, especially the orthographic and grammatical errors.
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Learning the English language is a very important process in this generation. It plays a vital role in communicating between people from different cities, states, countries, and continents. Because we all know that English is also known as the universal language. Several factors make English essential to communication in the present time. It is the most widely spoken foreign language in the world. Whenever possible, when two people from different countries need to communicate with one another, they will use English. So that you can be more globally aware, it is essential that you learn English. You can communicate more easily with people from all over the world if you can speak to them in their native tongue rather than just English (Kudto et al., 2022).

Children in a lot of different countries are exposed to English as a second language and given the opportunity to study it (Guiamalon, 2021). Even in nations like the Netherlands and Sweden, where English is not an official language, the majority of syllabi and curricula in the fields of science and engineering are written only in English (Lumapenet, 2017). This is due to the fact that English is the language that is used for the majority of research and studies in the scientific community. Students in many nations are required to study the majority of their subjects in English during their time at the university level. This is done either to make the material more accessible to international students or to use the material themselves (Lumapenet & Usop, 2022). One more reason why knowing English is important is that it opens up more doors for professional advancement and employment. In light of the current economic climate, we are all aware that companies are actively seeking to increase their workforce, and one of the qualities they value is employees with English language skills. Because of this, if we are all fluent in English and can use it effectively, we will have a greater number of opportunities to find work (Kudto, et al., 2022). In addition, if you have sufficient data in English, the likelihood of promotion to any position is significantly increased (Guiamalon & Hariraya, 2021).

In brief, language helps us have precise thinking and feelings to talk, exchange views, and connect with people and people wherever we live. Furthermore, within the world, English is taken into account because it is the main language of better communication. English is now taking a crucial part in the chance required employment. Hence, we predict that the English language will still develop and convey more advantages shortly, and maybe someday, English will be the world’s sole language. When it comes to Teaching the English language, we must consider from which part of the world the student is.

Teaching English requires not only fluency in the language itself, but also an intimate familiarity with the student's native dialect, culture, and traditions. Working with international clients requires fluency in English. In Chinese universities, students learn nothing practical about the language. They are unable to provide their students with an environment where English is spoken. As a result, many college grads lack fundamental competence in the English language. Only humans have the extraordinary ability to communicate with one another through the medium of written language. For centuries, the written word has helped people share information, work together, and issue urgent warnings; in turn, entire civilizations have benefited from the preservation of their past and present through writing. It is up to you to decide how best to put your writing skills to use in the modern world.

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