A Study on Self-Regulating Traffic Light Control Using RFID and Machine Learning Algorithm

A Study on Self-Regulating Traffic Light Control Using RFID and Machine Learning Algorithm

Dhivya P.
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6673-2.ch013
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Traffic control light frameworks are generally used to control and screen the stream of cars through the intersection of numerous streets. As the quantity of street clients always increments and assets gave are constrained, savvy activity flag controller is an exceptionally real prerequisite. One disadvantage of customary methodologies for movement administration is that they don't consider the distinctive valuations of holding up time lessening of the drivers. This chapter proposed another component for versatile activity control utilizing machine learning. In the proposed framework, the authors are utilizing picture sensor in the LED publication which catches the pictures of streets in every one of the bearings and returns the number of head checks of the vehicles to a machine learning calculation. The machine learning calculation is intended to take in the rush hour gridlock thickness without anyone else with first caught picture and consider reference. In this manner, the proposed activity control framework will be an exceptional technique for self-learning and security improving.
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Smart Traffic Light Control System

In this paper the creator expresses the significance of Traffic light control frameworks and examines around couple of issues that happens in the convergence of streets. To beat the issues, the creator proposes a framework in light of PIC microcontroller that assesses the activity thickness utilizing IR sensors and achieves dynamic planning openings with various levels. Also, a convenient controller gadget is intended to take care of the issue of crisis vehicles stuck in the packed streets (Salama, 2010).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Traffic Light: It uses stop, wait, and go lights to control the traffic on road.

Machine Learning Algorithm: Machine will think like human to identify the possible outcomes using various algorithms.

RFID Tag: It is used to track the items using smart barcodes.

GSM PDA Interface: A Global System for Mobile Communication uses the interface for communication using Personal Digital Assistant elements.

TLC: Traffic Light Controllers are used to monitor and control the vehicles on the road.

RF Reader: Used in Radio Frequency Identification to transmit the data in wireless communication.

Smart Traffic System: It uses the advanced technology to control and monitor the traffic.

LED Light: Electric light gives light using Light Emitting Diode.

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