A Study on Green Marketing Products and Green Marketing Practices in India

A Study on Green Marketing Products and Green Marketing Practices in India

Pradeep Kumar Singh, Murad Ali, Sumit Kumar, Ratnesh Kumar Shukla
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9596-4.ch001
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In the proliferation era, purblind competition for advancements impresses a multitude of obstructions to the planet environment. Desertification, digging out precious stones and minerals, and devoiding the environment from various types of beneficial gases and particles give rise to a lot of challenges for nearby surrounding environment and lives of all creatures on the planet. An endeavor to impinge a focus on significance of nonpolluting hawking has been pursued. Moreover, how can the people be awakened about Ozone friendly vending and the temperament of consumers apropos Ozone-friendly products is also chewed over, to discriminate the hindrances falling while using ozone-friendly consumptibles.
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1. Introduction

Fast variation in ecological system being an important agenda for mankind over whole world now coerces people to be aware about it. The quote sensing for protecting the planet against the damage “save the planet, not shave the planet “ is urgent need in present scenario. To possess a maintain befouling free ecological system calls a need for applying a platitude of green marketing in order to make mankind knowledgeable. American marketing association delineates nonpolluting vending as the marketing of the ecofriendly consumptibles. Green marketing includes a wide spectrum of processes such as modification in product and production processes, a variation in packaging and advertising banality. “The green marketing is the enactment of marketing programs directed at the environmentally conscious market sector” was defined by Henion (Henion& Kinnear, 1979, pp: 98-113). The companies endeavor to implement green marketing through designing, promotion, pricing and dispersing products with a concept of environment protection against any damage. Industrial revolution in urban regime to gratify the inhabitants raised the level of expectation for novel green products. Environmental pollution and green house effects were the consequences of dead zone of the non-renewable resources and the production processing during and after effects, respectively.

A thought process for the future of world and the priority to the environmental friendly products is conducted for all consumers. The consumers are more susceptible for eco-friendly products even though higher cost for such consumptibles is rendered by them. This pondering process provokes a discernment to manufacture eco- friendly products. Market economists and consumptives are growing susceptible to the needfulness of green consumptibles and services. A huge regime of customers desiring an eco-friendly consumptibles is influenced by the incremental concern in environment. Environmental hurdles pose a major issue for the whole world man kind to resolve collectively so as to fight against the adverse patches on human race and ambient. A beginning by business organizations for framing the implementing strategies in market and production to appeal to the environmental hygiene has ensued. Green marketing enforced business organizations for enacting related policies in assignment of costing, promoting, consumptibles traits and disbursing pursuits.

Green marketing becomes dominant over the last period of 1980s and 1990s followed by launching of proceedings of first workshop on non-polluting (eco-logical) marketing in Austin, Texas (US), in 1975. Several publications pertaining to Ozone friendly marketing began to be marketed afterward. The green maneuver is continually spreading faster in the world. Awareness of Indian consumer for green marketing is limited as compared to other developed countries consumer.

To alleviate the problems pertaining to green marketing, those people who are aware about the green marketing strategies follow the corporate guidelines to reduce the pollution with maintaining the profit of organization. Consumers too prefer the moment intrinsic in ozone friendly consumptibles.

Peattie (2001) explored the evolving of non-polluting vending and hawking in ternary mode (three phases) basis. First phase was put forth as “Ecological” non-polluting marketing and over the span, all pursuits related to marketing were executed to assist resolving and curing the environment hurdles. Second phase was “Environmental” ozone friendly vending and the attention drifted towards clean technology that included patterning of ingenious novel consumptibles having a caring consideration of adulteration and squander concerns. Third phase was “Sustainable” non-polluting merchandising. It became prominent in the last span of 1990s and the first quarter of 2000. It has been a hard nut to crack for defining the Green marketing owing to the interacting and counteracting the various meanings; a related paradigm can be the togetherness of variants of societal, ecological and retail definitions appended to the first phase. Other indistinguishable terms in vogue are non-polluting Marketing and ozone friendly marketing.

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