A Study of Social Media and Cyber Bullying: Addressing a Growing Problem

A Study of Social Media and Cyber Bullying: Addressing a Growing Problem

Anil Kumar Saraswat, Vijendra Singh Meel
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8893-5.ch020
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The use of social media has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade, with platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram boasting billions of active users. Social media platforms provide users with a variety of ways to connect with others, including the ability to share photos, videos, and messages in real-time. However, this increased connectivity has also led to a rise in cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying refers to the use of electronic devices and technology, such as social media platforms, to harass, intimidate, or embarrass others. Cyber-bullying can take many forms, including spreading rumors, making threats, and posting hurtful or humiliating comments or images. Unlike traditional forms of bullying, cyber-bullying can occur 24/7, and the anonymity afforded by social media platforms can make it difficult to identify perpetrators.
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Cyber-bullying is the deliberate and repeated use of electronic devices to harm, intimidate, or harass an individual or group. It can manifest in various forms, such as sending threatening messages, spreading rumours, sharing private information, impersonating others, or posting hurtful comments, images, or videos online. The impact of cyber-bullying on victims can be severe and enduring. Victims of cyber-bullying often experience emotional distress, anxiety, depression, lowered self-esteem, and social isolation. The persistent harassment and humiliation can have detrimental effects on their mental health, well-being, and overall quality of life. “Cyber-bullying can also disrupt victims' academic or professional performance, relationships, and daily activities (Dehue et al., 2018). In some cases, it has even resulted in “serious consequences, such as self-harm, suicide, or other forms of self-destructive behaviour” (Walrave & Heirman, 2011).

The anonymity and detachment provided by social media platforms can amplify the impact of cyber-bullying, as perpetrators may feel empowered to engage in harmful behaviour without facing immediate consequences (Mesch, 2009). Furthermore, the viral nature of social media can lead to the rapid spread of cyber-bullying, involving a wider audience in witnessing and participating in the harassment. It is crucial to acknowledge the significant impact of cyber-bullying on victims and take proactive measures to prevent and address this harmful behaviour effectively. The present chapter attempts to define and explore varied dimensions and impact of cyber bullying in the present times. The paper is divided into various sections to discuss the concepts and evaluate the impact and suggest solutions to combat this very critical issue.

Cyber-bullying can have profound psychological and emotional effects on victims, leading to a range of negative outcomes that may persist long after the bullying has stopped. Among the most common impacts of cyber-bullying on victims are feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and social isolation. Research has shown that “victims of cyber-bullying are at an increased risk of developing anxiety and depression, which can be debilitating and negatively impact their quality of life” (Jackson, 2011). Additionally, cyber-bullying can erode a victim's sense of self-worth, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, and negatively affect their relationships with others. Victims may also feel isolated and excluded from social groups, leading to feelings of loneliness and further exacerbating the negative effects of the bullying. Physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach-aches, and sleep disturbances, may also result from the stress and anxiety caused by the bullying. In severe cases, cyber-bullying can even lead to suicidal ideation and self-harm. Victims may feel trapped and helpless, with no escape from the bullying, leading to feelings of hopelessness and despair. It is essential to recognize the severity of these impacts and to work towards preventing cyber-bullying to ensure the safety and wellbeing of individuals online.

Cyber-bullying refers to the use of electronic devices and technology, such as social media platforms, to harass, intimidate, or embarrass others. Cyber-bullying can take many forms, including spreading rumours, making threats, and posting hurtful or humiliating comments or images. Unlike traditional forms of bullying, cyber-bullying can occur 24/7, and the anonymity afforded by social media platforms can make it difficult to identify perpetrators.

One factor contributing to the rise of cyber-bullying is the ease of access to social media platforms. Many young people have access to smartphones and other electronic devices, which can make it easier for them to engage in cyber-bullying. Additionally, social media platforms provide a wider audience for cyber-bullying, as messages and images can be shared with a large number of people instantaneously.

Another factor contributing to the rise of cyber-bullying is the lack of consequences for perpetrators. Because social media platforms are often viewed as separate from the real world, some individuals may feel emboldened to engage in cyber-bullying without fear of repercussions. Additionally, the anonymity afforded by social media platforms can make it difficult to identify perpetrators, which can make it challenging to hold them accountable for their actions.

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