A Study of Security Challenges From a Federeated Cloud Perspective

A Study of Security Challenges From a Federeated Cloud Perspective

Prathap R., Mohanasundaram R.
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5040-3.ch011
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In the information technology sector, cloud computing plays an important role. Information was externalized in the cloud in the IT sector and part of data as a software. These offer utilities such as storage, software as a service, and application as a service and some web models, such as the deployment models, in four forms. The third-party wanted the data to be outsourced. In this chapter, the authors research and analyze technologies and frameworks for cloud computing. In cloud services, security problems are important. Therefore, the authors discuss safety problems and the concerns found in this chapter.
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1. Introduction

Cloud computing is a new computer technology and it has scalable resources provisioned over the internet providers. Cloud figuring provides resources consuming virtualization. The element of the cloud requires security, which varies the level of deployment model. Protection of data storage, protection of data transmission and safety related to third-party networks are some basic security concerns. We're talking about computing and its models of operation and implementation models in this article. They are some types involving in these technologies. One of the new techniques in business models in computing is federated cloud computing. It reduces the reliability and reduces the cost to an organization (Al-Shargabi et al, 2020; Aljawarneh, 2012; Aljawarneh et al, 2017; Chehbi-Gamoura et al, 2018; Esposito et al, 2018; Jaswal et al, 2019; Kalpana et al, 2018; Lizcano et al, 2020; Malhotra et al, 2019; Mohammed et al, 2019; Mouchili et al, 2018; Singh,2011).

Federated cloud computing is the management of multiple cloud computing services. The main motivation of this article is to address safety problems and challenges in infrastructure and cloud figuring.

Cloud Service Models

Cloud computing as greater flexibility and availability at a lower cost. They are three ways of service representations.

  • 1.

    Software as a Service: Software as a provision is a service to provide a set of application software. Customers use only applications. The application software interacts through the interface. Example: Webmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • 2.

    Platform as a Service: Platform as a providing is a set of software and advance tools provided by a cloud service provider (CSP) server. Google app engine is one of the most famous service providers. It can reduce the factors involved in a complicated process for buying and organization hardware and software of the policy.

  • 3.

    Infrastructure as a Service: It is enabling on-demand service in which applications can develop and execute in the platform. It is less use of networking components. It is also called utility computing. Customers can pay for the usage of services.

Distribution Models

Distribution models in the cloud can be depending on the requirements.

  • 1.

    Public Cloud: They made the broad industry or public available in a digital cloud. An organization that sells cloud services is owned by a large industry group.

  • 2.

    Private Cloud: Private cloud infrastructure, operated by a particular organization, has been introduced. A certain distance is measured and engaged.

  • 3.

    Community Cloud: This infrastructure shared by every organization and support a specific community. It is defined as managed by a third party or an organization.

  • 4.

    Hybrid Cloud: It is defined as two or more clouds (ex: private, public) that remain inimitable objects. It is also called a load balancing cloud.

Key Characteristics of Cloud Computing

1. On-Demand Self Services: On-demand self-service is a service provided by cloud computing vendors. The provision of cloud resources whenever they are required. Cloud users access the service through online. Cloud computing provides resources on-demand when the user wants the services.

  • 2.

    Board/ Huge Network Access: The network capacity is available over the network and accessed standard level. It is available for a wide range of devices (such as pc, tab, and mobile phones, etc.)

Resources Provider

It provides the resources to multiple users using the multi-tenant model. The resources are provided dynamically according to customer demand. (Ex: state or data center).

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