A Study of Cyber Threats on Physical and Mental Health With Special Reference to Pandemic Times

A Study of Cyber Threats on Physical and Mental Health With Special Reference to Pandemic Times

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8893-5.ch019
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Cyber security has always been critical for safeguarding sensitive information, but in recent years, its impact on physical health has become increasingly apparent. The need for cyber security has become more critical in the digital age, as cyber threats have become more sophisticated and pervasive. As healthcare becomes increasingly digitized, the need for robust cyber security measures has become more important than ever. Cyber-attacks on healthcare systems can have devastating consequences on patient care, as the loss of crucial patient information can lead to delays or errors in medical treatment. Moreover, the pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote healthcare and telemedicine, leading to an increase in cyber-attacks on personal devices used for medical purposes, such as laptops and smartphones. These attacks can compromise personal health data, leading to delayed or ineffective medical treatment.
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The COVID-19 proved to be a global crises. These pandemic times literally ravaged the psyche of the people. It proved to be more than a disease. It deeply impacted us at unconscious and subconscious levels of our brains and evoked rage, violence, exclusion, panic, paranoid suspiciousness. People responded to the pandemic in different ways and at different levels in their own specific ways. The cure of the disease became worse than the disease itself. People even today are limping back to a semblance of normalcy. The disease was not only a health crises but also a humanitarian crises. It had severe and far fetching repercussions for health systems throughout the globe. Countless people died, or lost their livelihood. The heath sector too was disturbed in various ways and technology became the greatest support as never before. As in recent years technology has brought revolutionary changes in the lives of human beings. This was very well felt during the pandemic times. Technology, though has simplified the lives of human being but the sad part of the story is that technology itself is in danger of cyber threats. In today's digital age, cyber security has increasingly become crucial for individuals and organizations to protect their sensitive information from cyber threats. However, the impact of cyber security on physical health is often overlooked. The paper will explore the relationship between cyber security and physical health, highlighting the potential consequences of cyber-attacks on personal health and wellbeing.

Cyber security and physical health refer to the potential impact of cyber-attacks on an individual's physical health and wellbeing. With the increasing dependence on technology in healthcare, cyber-attacks on healthcare systems can potentially put patients' health at risk. Cyber-attacks on medical devices such as pacemakers or insulin pumps can be life-threatening if compromised. The rise of remote healthcare due to the COVID-19 pandemic has also increased the risk of cyber- attacks on personal devices used for healthcare purposes, potentially exposing personal health information and compromising the effectiveness of medical treatment. Moreover, the rise of remote healthcare and telemedicine due to the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk of cyber-attacks on personal devices used for healthcare purposes. Cyber-attacks on personal devices used for healthcare, such as smartphones or laptops, can potentially expose personal health information and compromise the effectiveness of medical treatment, it is essential to understand the relationship between cyber security and physical health to prevent potential harm and ensure the safety and security of healthcare systems, devices, and personal health information. The relationship between cyber security and physical health refers to the potential impact of cyber-attacks on an individual's physical health and wellbeing. With the increasing dependence on technology in healthcare, cyber-attacks on healthcare systems can potentially put patients' health at risk. For example, a cyber-attack on a hospital's network may result in the loss of critical patient information, leading to delays or errors in medical treatment. In addition, cyber-attacks can also target medical devices such as pacemakers or insulin pumps, which can be life-threatening if compromised.

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