A Short Review on Supplier Selection Problem Methods Under Uncertainty

A Short Review on Supplier Selection Problem Methods Under Uncertainty

Beyza Ahlatcioglu Ozkok, Neslihan Fidan Kececi
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9531-1.ch012
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In today's globally competitive environment, firms give great attention for selecting right suppliers in the context of their supply chain management. Choosing right suppliers helps to reduce the purchasing costs and improve the quality of final products and services. Supplier selection problem is one of the multi-criteria decision-making problems which includes both qualitative and quantitative factors like unit cost, delivery on time, service quality, etc. Handling imprecise information is one of the most important problems for modeling supplier selection problem. In order to overcome this problem, many scientific researchers have been published during the years, and many mathematical theories have been used to handle uncertainties in supplier selection problem such as fuzzy set theory, stochastic theory, rough set theory, and some hybrid techniques, etc. This chapter aims to provide short review on SSP methods under uncertainty. The sources used for the study consist of scientific refereed journals and books and are selected with respect to their citation rate and the ability of presenting the contained technique well. Also, the publications in languages other than English and non-refereed professional ones are not included.
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Literature Review For Ssp Methods Under Uncertainty

In the literature on this problem exist some researches (i) focused on SSP criteria, and (ii) proposed methods for supplier selection process.

Many researchers identified several criteria for selection process for example Dickson (1966) identified 23 criteria and Dempsey (1978) described 18 criteria. Weber et al. (1991) reviewed, annotated and classified 74 related articles, which have appeared since 1966, and specific attention is given to the criteria and analytical methods used in the supplier selection process.

Even if the criteria to be used in the SSP are determined properly, it is a fundamental problem to deal with the uncertainty in the process. In this study we aim to provide short review on SSP methods under Uncertainty. The sources used for our study consist of scientific refereed journals, books and are selected with respect to their citation rate and the ability of presenting the contained technique well. Also the publications in languages other than English and non-refereed professional ones are not included.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Supplier Selection Problem: The problem of selecting the best supplier among the alternatives considering the specific criteria that includes qualitative and quantitative factors.

Fuzzy Decision Making: Decision making process involves taking decisions under uncertain environments where information can be handled by fuzzy sets and systems.

Stochastic Decision Making: Decision making process involves taking decisions under uncertain environments where information can be handled by stochastic sets and systems.

Robust Decision Making: Decision making process involves taking decisions under uncertain environments where information can be handled by robust sets and systems.

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